Plantation(KV school)

We were required to go to KV school for plantation early in the morning. There were couple of my friends. It was on weekends so we had sufficient time to complete the activity. All the resources were available there. We just had to be ready to work. There was struggle due to unfamiliar situation which made the activity more interesting.
As I have done plantation earlier, I was able to perform it without any hesitation so my strength was I had knowledge about techniques and method of plantation. I was able to put that knowledge into action.
The one of the difficulty we faced during the plantation was that it was monsoon season so there was heavy rain. I thought it is not possible to plant trees in rain because there was too much water water so water would fill up the hole and plant might not grow. But the sir told us it is not a problem if you plant in soil with lot of water. The water will be absorb by the soil later and plant would grow.
I always wanted to keep participating in any kind of plantation activity because trees have very important role in our life as we breath because of trees. It is essential for us to keep planting trees so that us and our next generations don’t face difficulty in the future.
As it was raining, digging and planting became difficult. It took lot more man power than it took during plantation activity in vansda so it tend to give us ideas to leave covering plant base in soil halfway. However, I still did not give up. I dig appropriate holes for all the trees I planted and covered it effectively. No matter how many obstacles there was we completed our task. The activity was tiring but it was satisfying and fun.

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Arts Special…

I have always liked to listen to songs, and more than that I have liked to sing along. I always hoped that I would learn singing and be able to perform some day. I was in grade 6 when  by chance I got selected for the inter house singing competition along with one of my friend and came 3rd. It was quite surprising…however there were just 4 participating entries and so the results did not seemed impossible. In grade 11, I suddenly decided to take up singing as my arts special and at least perform one song in front of an audience.

I was very excited  to learn and understand the concepts of singing. My  strengths were the interest and the curiosity I had for learning and practising singing (as singing amazingly, could not be considered as one of my strengths for obvious reasons). Moreover, gradually I realised that my voice was not as bad as I thought it was and that little bit of dedication and hard work would help me achieve what I wanted to. Additional, one of my important strengths were that I grasped things quickly. Therefore, I decided to attain as much knowledge and feedback as possible and learn wholesome amount of skills that I could in the available span of time.

I took up signing willingly and was confident I will be able to do my best. However, after attending few classes I started to loose my confidence. There were people who really sung brilliantly and I almost left like an outsider who knew nothing. Sir, who teched us signing did motivate all of us and never compared us with one another. Still, I was not able to again my confidence back. Later after some practice and the day when sir, said “Well done Jigyasha” was when I regained the faith in me. To add on, singing in front of the class and signing alone was quite embarrassing and difficult for me at first. Though, when I got used to it and noticed that all the people in my class never judged each other and instead motivated each other, was when I sang freely.

There were times when it was tedious to practise the same rhythm/song again and again and I found it useless to continue these classes. Also, there was academic pressure (all the deadlines, exams and everything was due soon) which drifted away my interest and dedication for singing. Luckily, I realised time management and polishing one skill at a time was an answer. I gave suitable amount of time for my academics and for signing and realised that it wasn’t such a great problems at all Additionally, I also accepted the fact that learning the same skilled again and again actually took me one step closer to being better at that skill and a better singer. These realizations kept be going and prevented me from not opting out form my singing classes.

After few classes it was announced that, in the AS Performance event we had to perform/ showcase all that we had learned during the AS classes (vocals). I was performing with two other girls from my grade. Both the girls were much better, in fact trained singer and I was just a beginner. This fact always kept me nervous and my confidence at level zero. I had difficulties matching with their pace, and it got difficult to sing  collaboratively.though, as a result of practising together and distributing selected line to each person our song came out beautifully, and all the three of us shined in our own different way. Even after many difficulties, on the day of our performance though i was very nervous our performance was quite impressive. It is very true that working together has its own benefits. We could cover up if one of us forget a part of the song, each of us got to sing and show our talents equally and our voices together created a magnificent impact.

All in all, it was a wonderful experience and if possible in future I would like to learn more. I do believe that music is one of the greater stress relievers. I often find myself singing songs when I am sad and that really cheers me up. Listening to songs and singing songs always makes me happy and songs always convey things that help you understand and relate to your life is a better way.


CAS Essay

What does CAS mean, theoretically speaking creativity, activity, and service which aims at involving students in a range of activities alongside academics, to develop new skills or individual personality. If I had been asked this at the beginning of the diploma programme I would have said probably another mandatory core requirement (which it actually is) to get a Diploma. However, as the academic year started passing by with every single activity I participated in small initiatives that I took or even getting out of my comfort zone by taking up physical activities just for the sake of meeting my IB requirements. I realized that every new challenge that I undertook, every commitment that I made to things that I didn’t really enjoy doing moreover collaboratively working with new people which may not have been the most comforting and enjoyable things that I may have done. But by doing so was slightly making me more open to new things/activities, confident, more responsible towards community and environment and also taught me time management as I was juggling my time between my academics and extracurriculars.

From my perspectivity and what I have experienced in the past two years is that the overall IB CAS is two step development programme helping every individual develop internally in terms of personality or confidence or new skills etc. and  externally in terms of motivating students to contribute their part of service in the community and towards the environment. When I think about my CAS experience overall it was highly thrilling with more unexpected surprises and challenges but the one experience that has majorly contributed in molding me in the way that I am today is the Diploma Fest. It was the first event in which I myself decided to take up more responsibility and ended up taking becoming the resource incharge for the entire event. Initially it started off with sounding like a pretty easy job (like I just had to arrange resources that were required for the activities and performances in the event) with another person on my side (my partner) however as actually began to do my job as a resource incharge I realised that even though the job description was easy, the hard part was to actually make people do stuff. We faced a really hard time in getting the list of things that was needed to be arranged as people don’t really work as you wish and one has to push them hard enough to get the work done. This journey helped me develop leadership skills, time management as to how to make people according to you and handle last minute crisis and taught the importance of  working collaboratively to make the entire process smoother.  

While doing CAS I discovered that one can never completely achieve its true potential or personality as every new thing that we try or new experiences/challenges we undertake act as a building block, continuously redefining and enhancing our true nature and persona. Furthermore, I would also like to confess that anything but the activity and secondly the service part had been the most difficult components of CAS to fulfil as considering my nature I am not a pro-outdoor person, physical activities have been the toughest part as I like to do stuff that come under my comfort zone which don’t push me to communicate with people that are unfamiliar. That is why I found it very difficult to achieve learning outcomes which needed me to show the importance of working collaboratively and undertaking new challenges. Even when I was selecting and planning my CAS project I tried so hard to make sure that it doesn’t completely go out of my comfort zone to make things smooth as it was the only requirement which required me to give my large proportion of time from my schedule and high commitment and a lots of hard work and I couldn’t have been able to do a thing which I didn’t like.

CAS not just gave me a chance to learn and develop new skills and abilities but more importantly helped in understanding my own strengths and limits. Also it has given me a chance to give back to environment and to the community like by volunteering for organizing an event for underprivileged students in my community or by helping in building an artificial forest in my state. Overall I believe CAS is a growing process that has help me build myself past 2 years and which I believe will also help me grow though the remaining half of my life.

DP Fest… 🙌

DP Fest- It was a Hell of a ride. 😛


Let’s just say it was the first big event for me. I still remember, after I received a form for volunteering for different posts in DP fest, I had already decided I was not ready to handle such important posts. But after teachers actually told us that what DP fest is about, I realized that if I don’t volunteer for any one of the two posts in the organizing committee, I would have to perform on stage on the event in front of a lot (emphasis on “a lot” :P) people. My fear of performing on stage convinced me to fill the form. However, I  volunteered for Resource Head instead of event coordinator (I thought handling this would be easier that other two jobs- handling the full event and performing on the stage).

To make things go as smoothly as possible, I and my partner (another resource in charge) Khushali had already come up with a plan that was required to be followed perfectly. I started feeling that choosing this post had somehow made me better-off everything just went untroubled and according to our plan. However, the happiness was short-lived as we realized that even though we were doing work from our side as we had scheduled but we needed others to complete their tasks on the deadlines set by us (which was really not the case 🙁 ). Khushali and I had to literally run behind people to fill the sheets that we shared with them so that we could order resources because as the days would pass it would become more and more difficult to arrange the preferred resources. But everyone still worked on their own paces, Most of the students really gave a tough time in the initial stage itself but Khushali and I managed to collaboratively distribute work and personally make sure that people filled the sheets as soon as possible.

But once we cleared the initial stage of getting our hand on the resource list, we realized that one of the groups (VA) were the next big challenge. The number of resources and the type of resources that they requested was really difficult to arrange. Khushali and I decided to arrange a meeting with the group member and see if we can come up with some alternatives. Although this would only solve the part of the problem, mainly because there other technical issues that created more problems but in the end we just managed to accomplish our task before the event day (running behind people and collecting resources also made me do a lot of physical exertion, which I didn’t know was also a part of the job :P). It every single passing second I realized that no job is an easy job- everything requires the same amount of commitment and efforts.

Once I was done with my task I also helped with the poster for the DP fest and particularly on the event day, I learned to manage the handle the technical job as well ( the lights; the sound and rest running stage duty). Because I had to do it because everyone else was busy with their own jobs (But it was genuinely a nice experience and I learned a new skill as well 🙂 ).
Overall, I was really proud of me and my grades as we managed to put a Fabulous show, against all  odds. This event as not just taught me some random new skill but helped me grow as a person as during my time as a resource in charge I had to talk with and cooperate with a lot of people ( which is a difficult job for an introvert), manage things regardless how favorable the situation was getting and more over for the fact that I tried coming out of my shell and undertook a challenge.

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Surat Student Parliament.

Surat Student Parliament was an event organized as a simulation of the parliament of India where members of the house belonged to various parties and forums. A full day of debating and working on a campaign to make individual parties win. I participated as a member of the house as a part of the sustainable development forum.

  1. I learned that one of my weakness was that if I felt like I could lead a group of people, I wouldn’t listen to the opinions of the rest of the group and now that I’m aware of it, I can work to be more cooperative and thus knowing my weaknesses will help me for better in the future.
  2. One of the challenges I faced was a teammate who was quite stubborn and made it difficult for everyone to deal with. There was a lack of communication with him, however, after some ice breaking, we were able to get through to him and understand why he was detached. Thereafter, we didn’t face any issues.
  3. The formal proceedings of a parliament were followed and thus I organized and presented myself formally. Planning out and executing our party’s agenda required a leader and I volunteered to initiate that. I learned that I could be an effective leader and guide people well. I also learned that it is important to know how to plan and initiate since it gives us clarity into what we exactly want.
  4. We were required to perform extensive research on the topics provided to us and therefore it required commitment and many working hours to be spent. However, since the given topic intrigued me, I enjoyed the research and thus committing was not an issue.
  5. An essential aspect of this event was to make our party win and thus, as a MOH, I had to work collaboratively along with the campaign managers and the media managers to build the required reputation for the campaign and gain votes of the members of the parliament. I learned that while working collaboratively, it is essential to hear and understand everyone’s opinions and cater equally to everyone in the team. This ultimately leads to better results for a team.
  6. The topic we debated upon was the best method to achieve a sustainable development without harming the economy. A matter which requires immediate attention for a healthier and safer future. And thus discussion and the imposition of such ideas in the minds of today’s youth would cater to an issue of global importance and thus I now feel like a more responsible citizen of not only my country but also the world as I am more aware.
  7. The ethical issues involved with this activity were primarily on unbiased debating and treating all my fellow party members as equals. After this activity, I feel like I have learned a lot about not being partial towards an opinion and keeping an open mind.


CAS project- leg tennis

Proposal: My friend and I came with the idea of organizing a tournament  which has never been played in the FS hence with our creativity and collaboration we designed a new game called leg tennis and decided to organize a tournament of it.

Planning stage: We made a google form and recorded the responses of the participants.

and the responses were good which can be seen below.

After getting responses we decided to make the rules for the game.

And then we made the poster.

Execution: while executing the event we faced problems with the location where the event was held, with the participants who opted to back out at the end moment and with the PE staff who were not  able to supervise our tournament, although with our collaboration and commitment we were able to overcome this problems by requesting a teacher to supervise the tournamnet, changing the teams and deciding a suitable location for the tournament. As my friend and I were the refree of this event we tried to take a fair decision and we were unbaised to towards our classmates who participated in this event because it would be unethical if we didnot give a fair deicision. The event turned out to be a sucess hence it helped me to develope a new strenght which is how to manage an event in the times of problems/crisis.


Organizing the Garba Fest <3

Never in my life had I organized an event, nor did I ever imagine that I could. Garba Fest is an event that I am absolutely proud of; not only because of its success but because of the thrill that it gave people as well as the help it did to the society. It included Creativity as we had to be creative to have decorated the assembly and service as it was a fund raiser.


This plan just started as an idea of a fundraising event, but as we advanced with the plan the motive was not only fund raising but also give the students of fountainhead school an opportunity to celebrate a much loved event along with all their friends and teachers. The first thing that we had to do was to choose the departmental heads which was hard as we could not give our friends priority, so we went along with the method of interviews keeping the ethical concerns in mind(not being biased). Initially we did not have a really detailed plan when we appointed departmental heads; however when we started having meetings and started taking into consideration other’s ideas and opinions we eventually came up with quite a well detailed plan. This taught me the importance of collaborating with the team members we had. During the rigorous planning  stage of 2 months I discovered my areas of weakness which were effective communication and negotiation which I worked upon during those 2 months.


Everything was very chaotic at the beginning and it was becoming harder to follow through the plan however when we started sticking to the plan religiously for the whole month, things took a positive turn. I learned that organizing any event is hard work however the fruit is always rewarding; in this case our reward was the huge amount of money that we collected for donation.


Surat Ultimate Open 2015- PROJECT (Creativity/Activity/Service)

This activity was my CAS Project. Surat Ultimate Open, basically, is an annual Ultimate Frisbee tournament hosted by Surat Ultimate. SUO 2015 was one of its kind as it was organised by two 16-year-olds (Khushi and me), along with the help of a few adults. There were about 28 Open teams and 10 Women teams, who competed for the title of SUO Winners and SUO Spirit Winners. This motive of this tournament was to encourage more cities to participate and hence, we had 3 different slabs for registration fee so that every player, fortunate or not, can participate and enjoy.

We designed the logo for the tournament and jersey for our team (Creativity), we also served the players who needed monetary help (Service) and we also played in Zero Gravity Women’s team (Activity).

I have been playing Ultimate for quite some time now, and the game itself along with team cooperation is my strength. My goal was to perform well as a player, both on and off the field. As a team, we aimed to win the tournament for which we practiced together on fitness and skills. However, on the day of the tournament, I broke my leg and couldn’t play. However, I did achieve and fulfill my goals by being motivating during practices. Moreover, on the organising part, my leadership quality is a plus. Hence, I used this to get field volunteers and explain them their job.

The whole activity was a challenge in itself, there were tough decisions to be made, strict deadlines to be met and many rejections to be content with. Juggling the planning of the event along with school work was a tough job, but we did come across strong when it was the day of the actual tournament. I think, personally, it was important for the both of us to take up this challenge and assess our abilities. The end result was satisfactory and all the players had fun.

This project was a collaborative work with immense planning for almost 4 months. Vardan sir, Hardik sir, and Pratik sir were our adult mentors and they helped us with the whole process. The plus to this was that we all had different kinds of experiences and expertise, which helped us in emergency situations. Each and everybody’s dominant skill was used to its fullest to reap the most benefits. We also had a crisis situation during the tournament day, but because of Hardik sir and Vardan sir, we got out of it and everything was sorted. A few players were also quite unhappy with the stay and the facilities, but we couldn’t have done anymore, so they decided to stay on their own. Khushi and I were pretty moved, but then our mentors handled the situation and we were alright the next day.

For me, fitness and sports is a must in every human’s life, especially children. And in this nation, a lot of them suffer because of the lack of opportunities. They are stolen from a lot of players to be because they don’t have enough money to pay for it. In this SUO we wanted to give an opportunity to everybody and anybody. We worked hard towards getting things in a budget and asking players, who were capable enough, to pay and partially subsidise the less fortunate players.

Moreover, the ethical aspect was always there. The way we used the funds/money, the way in which we directed and guided our fellow volunteers and the extent of fairness and equality we showed for every player/team. During the planning, we were questioned about our high fee prices, but it was our responsibility to justify our reason because people are spending their money to play. These were the major things we had to keep in mind and I think, we did a pretty decent job in doing the ‘right things’.

All in all, it was a great experience, with a lot of learnings. There were many problems too, but looking at the big picture, for me, it was a big success.

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Who am I?



I am Unnati Agrawal
I am 17 years old
I have a sibling (who is a pain in my butt)
I live in Surat, Gujaratcas-2
I study in Fountainhead School

And this is exactly how monotonous I think my life would be if I didn’t have my friends by my side or this school where I can openly express myself and practice my hobbies. I love dancing and singing, they are my wea
kest as well as my strongest points, but what I love more is how they make me feel alive. They already are my talents, but now what I want is for them to be the talents that I can show the world. Well, I have a looooooooong way to go.

Those were only two of the many things I enjoy doing. Math and psychology are two subjects that I am really interested in and would want to pursueI am also very interested in baking and I could say that I am doing good so far but I would still like to learn new techniques that make the cakes more flavourful and decorative. However I really hate cooking but I can’t be eating cakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I understand that it is a life skill that I wont be able to survive without so that adds yet another thing to my “to learn” list.
Apart from these, there are a lot of things I would like to learn and do. The first one being frisbee, because I love the way it is all about spirit and you have only your own actions to monitor and be upfront about. The second thing might come as a shock to my peers but I have always loved the sport basketball more than any other sport, but I never tried it because I never wanted to leave the team I had in football.
But what I don’t need to learn is helping others, neither physically nor mentally. I am really passionate about helping people in any way I can and I believe that every one should at least want to do that because it not only makes the world a better place but also helps us become a better person. This being said, there is a quote from the song “Jeena isika naam hai” that I’d like to share that is very close to my heart and reflects my ideology:
Kisi Ki Muskurahaton Pe Ho Nisar
Kisi Ka Dard Mil Sake To Le Udhaar
Kisi Ke Vaaste Ho Tere Di Mein Pyaar
Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai
Ah.. :D. I just love this song <3
The true meaning of living is not being rich or powerful but is about how much you love yourself and others, and about satisfaction that comes from good deeds instead of greed that comes out of money.
And in the end, what I want most is to live my live to the fullest and do the best I can for myself and for others, and be self-satisfied.

CAS Plan

Proposed Activities Components (C/A/S) Duration with start date and end date (mm/dd/yy) Learning Outcomes
Learning and developing skills in vocals in AS Creativity 08/01/15 to 02/07/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaborativel

Learning Javascript on codecademy Creativity 01/01/16 to 02/10/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Gyming Activity 09/03/15 to 12/01/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Fund raising through a food stall Activity / Service 10/01/15 to 11/13/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Kabaddi Tournament Project Activity / Service 08/04/16 to 09/15/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Plantation Activity / Service 07/04/16 (For 4 hours) LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Participating in Monologue competition Creativity 08/01/16 to 08/05/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Acting in teacher’s day film Creativity / Activity 09/01/16 to 09/05/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Teaching grade 5 Creativity / Activity 09/04/15 to 09/05/15 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively,

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