CAS Project: Nursery

Two of my friends and I decided to work on a CAS project together due to our similar thoughts and opinions. At the beginning, it was difficult to narrow down our ideas however there was one thing which remained the same that we wanted to do something to benefit our society or something which could help us take a step towards sustaining our environment and the beauty of nature. It was then decided that we would build a small nursery in our school and also plant some education related plants. This idea was something which, no one had ever done in the school, therefore, we thought it might be good to start with something like this.

As we were three of us, it was easy to divide work in the planning part. We collaborated with one of Nature Club’s member who helped and guided us along. At, the beginning it was difficult to figure out things but I actually believed that the plan will work. However, as we kept on planning, we realized that the mystery is solving and the project might turn out to be a success. As it was a plantation activity is all under the category of Activity and Service.

The planning stage was the most difficult part of the whole CAS project experiences. We had to sit and brainstorm about the perfect place, the suitable plants to grow, the soil that needed to be orders, the bags, how will manage to get more volunteers and after we leave the school, who will take care of the nursery. So, what we did has we distributed the work and did come early to school, which was quite challenging considering the ongoing submission that we had. The work of coordinating with the nature club guy, selection the seeds, finding the proper place, sending out the form and informing people about the project was all distributed amongst the three of us, which made our life easy. There were instances where there was a lot of miscommunication however, it got sorted after a while.

After making a foolproof plan, was when the actual problems started. It was informed to us that the soil needed will not be available for a long time, some of the plant seeds that needed to be planted were not available and many such things were just not falling into place. All the three of us got worked up and the project had actually stopped for 2 months. After this span of time, we realized that the weather conditions might not be appropriate and thus, decided to start working on the project again.

The place that was initially decided was changed to a different place, there was less soil available, and only limited seeds were there. Also, due to the shift in the project work many volunteers denied to be there and we were left with just 4 to 5 volunteers. It was hard to manage with 4-5 volunteers and therefore, we had to come early to school daily to complete our work. There were times where we felt like leaving the project and do something else, however, our aim to do something valuable kept us going and we did complete the project.

The project didn’t turn out to be as expected however, we gave our best with the resources that were available to us. Also, we made sure not to harm any other living organisms (plants, etc.) while planting and also, used resources appropriately. There were in fact no or just a little waste accumulated. As there are places that are deforested, it felt good to actually plant some plants and contribute some positive factor to the society. This was a small scale project (only in the school), however, later in my life, I would like to continue doing good work like this.

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Personal Profile

img_4652I’m Vanshika, a 17-year-old, doing the IB diploma program from Surat, India. Doing IB gave me a variety of perspectives on life and certain aspects that I needed to fix. I love playing football and the guitar. Along with those, I also thoroughly enjoy participating in MUNs and debates. I enjoy traveling to new places and learning about new cultures. I am currently learning Spanish and I wish to become proficient in it since I love learning new languages and I desire to become a multi-linguist. I believe that we should have the right to do whatever we desire to do in life but before that, we must fulfill our duties to our families, peers, and the society. Talking about society, it brings us to the issues that it faces and poverty in my country is an issue that requires utmost attention. I want to work hard and become an economist to help and cater to solutions to eradicate poverty. Space and everything about it really intrigue me and has inspired me to take physics as a subject. Thus I would love to learn more about time travel and overlaps. I have also always wanted to skydive but I have never received the opportunity to do so. Given the chance I would love to spend a week, stranded alone on an island since I believe that it’s the best way to learn about yourself and knowing yourself is essential to being human.


The IB Diploma CAS program has enormously changed my outlook on what impact the smallest of activities could have on the people around me. When I think of the CAS activities that I have performed, the first thing, that comes to my mind is an intra-city cycling even that I, along with 2 classmates, had organized named ‘Ride With Pride’. We brought together the citizens of Surat to work towards a healthier lifestyle and promote cycling as a recreative and health beneficial sport. Calling together such a large number of people in the city to join us at a given location, date and time, coming up with creative marketing ideas to convince them to take a break from their schedules, to join us to serve the environment that we live in and promote cycling as a part of that action was a great feat and its accomplishment felt impressive. CAS has helped me develop a socio-cultural understanding and my duty towards the environment that I live in. It has also helped me enhance a certain skill set by constantly encouraging me to think and work creatively and perform actions that would benefit me along with my surroundings. Creativity as a component has inspired me to be more open-minded and welcoming to ideas and theories and the application of these has also made me approach some ideas with an uncertainty of their result and yet help me come up with innovative ways to go about daily things with to maximize that good that comes out of it. Action as the second component helped me enhance my communicative skills with MUN’s and debates and thus has helped me widen my horizons as a thinker and an inquirer. It has also taught me how to be balanced in everything I do since I was presented with many situations that required a decision to be made. I might not have made those decisions right at that point but at a later stage, when I sat to reflect on how the issue was handled, I believe that I learned a balanced way of evaluating situations which will help me later. And it was this thought that inspired my service activities. I began to realize the consequences of certain actions on the others in the society, eg. dumping garbage on the road. It made me express compassion for the less fortunate, respect for the ones that help us and a certain sense of responsibility towards the environment. Overall, CAS helped me become more knowledgeable and understanding about me and my surroundings. Through these activities, I learned that certain selfish actions might benefit us in the short-term but in the long-term, being someone who is empathetic and provides for the greater good is beneficial for everyone and requires little effort. I learned that leadership is an essential characteristic and making use of that ability helped me gain a greater insight on teamwork. I conditioned myself to always help someone in need as service is the greatest cause. Over the time, various CAS activities like playing football, participating in MUN’s as the Executive Board and many others helped me help people learn and share my skills with them. This way, I learned how to perform my duties better and they gained knowledge. However, there were always certain setbacks that required to be dealt with, with a calm mind. When the planning process in an event I was organizing hit a snitch, I asked a colleague to help me out with a dealer who threatened to not provide us with the supplies we needed. The full payment had been made and hence, this colleague negotiated with the dealer on my behalf to help continue the event. This effort on his part contributed greatly to the event and both of us learned a great deal about teamwork and efforts through this. The learning outcome regarding undertaking new challenges seemed to be one of the most difficult to achieve since it always involves unfamiliar territory and dealing with new things and people. Being an extrovert, I did not face many difficulties in dealing with new people, however, exploring something that I did not excel at provided a bit of a struggle. However, in the end, I was successfully able to perform on the stage without faltering or making any mistakes. My overall exquisite experience with CAS makes me want more people to be introduced to it and provide a helping hand in development, evolution, and conservation of our earth.


Activity Components (C/A/S) Duration & Start/End dates Learning outcomes
Football camps Activity 10/7/2015 to 15/7/2015 L1, L5, L7
Plantation Service 18/7/2015 to 18/7/2015 L2, L5, L6
Joining gym Activity 3/8/2015 to 29/2/2016 L1, L3, L4
Literature fest (Anagrams) Creativity 23/8/2015 to 23/8/2015 L1, L5, L7
Literature Fest (Ads to add up) Creativity 24/8/2015 to 24/8/2015 L4, L5
Kabbadi tournament Activity and Service 6/8/2016 to 6/9/2016 L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7
Book club Creativity 16/7/2015 to 22/3/2016 L1, L4, L7
Cas trip to Naggar Service and Creativity 27/12/2015 to 3/1/2016 L1, L2, L5, L7

CAS Essay

The first and foremost CAS activity which comes in my mind, is my cas project, The Kabaddi tournament which I conducted in my school. It was led by me and two of my friends where we planned the project, invited participants, conducted an auction to make teams and finally executed our plan. The profits driven from this project were used in the donation. I felt this activity very impressive because it was the activity where we needed to had a full-proof plan to be successful. The fact that numerous participants participated in this event, making us earn huge profits reflected how well planned was our project. There were few difficulties which we faced, however holding weekly meetings among three of us and coming up with instant solutions helped us to solve those hurdles. This is something which made me a good communicator. Moreover, all these elements have improved my management and leadership skills drastically and that is what made this activity one of my best CAS experience.

I have learned numerous things from the component of CAS such as football sport with the help of activities such as football camps and football classes. I also learned a new skill of planting saplings in a huge land. This helped me to associate the activity of plantation with the learner profile, caring. Activities such as Lit fest (anagrams) and lit fest (ads to add up) have contributed to my cognitive thinking, helping me to become a knowledgeable person. I also brushed my skills of trekking and experienced the moments of cliff jump while I went to Naggar as my cas trip. The trip aided me in becoming risk-taker.

I developed skills of being patient, perseverant, committed as well as consistency from all of the CAS activities. I came out of my comfort zone in various activities, helping me to push my limits further. I learned a lot about myself and the skills I possess via the activities I did as my CAS component. More than that, while doing gymming and holding kabaddi tournament I learned more about others and their perspectives. Their opinions and ideas were something which aided me to look things differently which greatly affected the way I took decisions in all of my CAS activities. This has helped me to develop the skill of teamwork and coordination as well.

The most difficult learning outcome to achieve was the third one, initiate and plan a cas experience. Planning is something which I like very much, however executing the same is very difficult. I faced difficulties in my cas project where I had to achieve LO 3. Executing kabaddi tournament in the way it was planned by three of us, was very tricky but solving those hurdles was something which made this activity a successful one.

I think learning leadership, management, and teamwork skills from CAS activities will help me further in my life especially while I am doing projects in BBA course as well as while I am doing business. Coordinating and controlling people appropriately in business will make their life better and will help my business to prosper.



I am Anay Sanghvi and I am 16 years old. I am currently in the second year of IBDP, studying in Fountainhead school, Surat.

I believe that I am talented in quick calculations and fluent Hindi reading which I think has vastly helped me in Math and Hindi subject since many years. Determination and approaching work with a lot of planning have very much developed in me since the past two years. These two qualities have equipped me to coordinate better with my work schedule. These have also aided me in to conduct a better time management allowing me to take out a lot of free time from the busy schedule derived due to IBDP. I think I also possess a talent of leading a group of people in a very strategically way towards a vision, especially in sports. Making strategies and plans to counter various hurdles which can mislead us, as a group, is very much into me. These have helped me to gain a lot of leadership skills as far as sports is concerned.

The things I enjoy doing is to solve riddles and tricky mathematics sums, to stay engaged in one or more sports such as cricket and football, and I also love listening and singing songs. Playing football and listening songs are two important hobbies which I do almost every 5-6 days a week. It provides me with a lot of energy and refreshment.

There are various skills which I want to acquire so that I can gain a lot of excellence in a maximum number of fields. The first thing I want to learn is to have better management skills so that I can coordinate people and the work in a very effective manner irrespective of what the event/activity is. I also want to acquire a good command over the English language so that I can communicate my ideas in a much better and effective way. I want to have an exposure of an outer world by being involved in internships, conducting major events, attending summer schools letting me gain fruitful experiences. I would also like to have an exposure of something which is very alien to me and something from which I am uncomfortable with. This will help me to extend my limits of working in unfavorable conditions. 

My outlook towards my life is to maximize my excellence in the field I am passionate about. I want to enjoy my life by doing what I like especially the work in which I am involved. I would also like to optimize the happiness I can generate by my actions over others whom I interact with on a regular basis.

The most important issue present in the society, which agitates me is poverty and gender inequality.

Even though I have pursued commerce, I would also like to learn some topics of sciences which will help to expand my knowledge and not let it be restricted. Subjects like TOK have vastly helped me to critically examine the knowledge I acquire and studying more about it is something I want.

Cas essay

There are two activities which I enjoyed doing the most. Those are playing soccer and plantation. I am passionate about soccer. What I liked the most about soccer this academic year is that I was able to play at state level. According to me I played reasonably well. We even reached till semi-finals but lost to a club team so we came 3. After evaluating my game I can say I have developed my game to adapt the requirement of my team. However, Plantation has also been one of the important activity during this year.
I never thought I would enjoy doing it. I wanted to plant trees because it would be count in CAS but I didn’t think I would develop my interest in planting trees therefore I did my cas project on plantation as well.

I have learned many things from CAS such as taking responsibility, being patience and many more skills. I have also learned to be inquirer, thinkers, communicator, being knowledgeable and open-minded. Through my cas project I have learned to take responsibility and communicating with people in order to find resources for plantation, being knowledgeable about techniques of planting and being open to my partners perspective. I have used this learner profile in activities as well such as being patient and taking responsibility in soccer
and other activities.

Cooperation leads to less effort but more quality and faster result. I can handle pressure at taking responsibility. However, I am not very fruitful with my work because of my lack of communication skills and leadership skills. I do not indulge in activities out of my comfort zone. There were activities which required you to have communication and leadership skills. Although, my as project required the most of this two. I struggled in conveying the idea to my teammates but I managed. I was satisfied with my performance. I still have time to sharpen my communication and leadership skills.

We have faced difficulty in finding resources for plantation, so particularly we had difficulty in finding seeds and soil, however we knew few people who could help us find it and who worked for nursery. In the past two years, I have attended lot of football tournaments which gave experience if I ever want to pursue my careers in soccer. I can perform task efficiently if it required cooperation. However, I need to learn to execute task which require solo efforts.

The learning outcome 3, Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, was difficult to achieve because I have never initiate in any activities. I usually never take responsibility about anything therefore I struggled achieving this particular learning outcome. Communication skills that I require to develop is what made me struggle in demonstrating learning outcome 3 effectively. However, I will continue indulging
in activities which improve my skills such as communication, leadership and many more. I will be initiating to organise activities in future.

Of course, I want to keep planting trees and helping those in need. I am very proactive about dominating my time to those in need. I will continue indulging in activities that have greater cause to helping people and nature. Overall, Cas have been very significant part on student’s life.

Cas Plan


Proposed Activities Components (C/A/S) Duration with start date and end date Learning Outcomes
Trip to Vansda Activity/Service 18/7/2015 LO 2 :Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the processLO 4 :Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiencesLO 5 :Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaborativelyLO 6 :Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Book Club Creativity 1/8/2015 to 24/4/2016 LO 1 :Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2 :Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the processLO 4 :Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiencesLO 7 :Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Subroto Cup 17 Activity 16/7/15 LO 1 :Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2 :Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the processLO 5 :Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaborativelyLO 7 :Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Gyming. Activity 24/7/2015 LO 1 :Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2 :Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the processLO 4 :Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiencesLO 7 :Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Dance Creativity/Activity 4-Jul-2015 to 31-Mar-2016 LO 1 :Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2 :Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the processLO 4 :Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiencesLO 5 :Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
Mahakhumbh Activity 3/3/2016 LO 1 :Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 5 :Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaborativelyLO 7 :Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Farewell for seniors Creativity/Activity 8/4/2016 LO 4 :Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiencesLO 5 :Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
Plant nursery Creativity/Activity/service 17/7/2016 LO 1 :Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2 :Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the processLO 3 :Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experienceLO 4 :Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiencesLO 5 :Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6 :Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7 :Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions


Nursery for school

I always enjoy planting trees. Two of my friends and I decided to build a nursery in our own school. We have become a role model for younger children to respect nature.
I had lot more experience in plantation than any of my partners. I have been part of football team and it is possible for me to carry out this activity for the longer amount time. Strength wise I was very confident. I knew how capable I am.
The most challenging part was to planting huge number of trees. Filling soil in a bag was very challenging. It does not have equipment that make it is easier. It required only man-power. It was very tiring. We were not professional therefore it took lot of time to fill up the bags.
Planning was pretty easy and quick. We had planed the number of bags filled on each day and how many bag will contain same seeds. Initiating was much more difficult than planning. Planning required only three of us. It got difficult when other people got involved. Which taught me the intensity of patience that I have handle. There was difficulty in decide time when we can do this but then we decided to work regular early during the weekdays.
It tested our patience. Waking up early was not my cup of tea specially in winter. With lack of voluntarily participants we were suppose to work even harder than what we had expected to work. According to the plan, all three of us had come regularly even though few volunteer do not appear.
The goal was big so we needed lot of human help. We definitely had to work as a team. We anyway had less time to complete the project. Working as a team was easy and faster. I worked with one of the volunteer to work faster. One of us would hold the bag and other would fill it with the soil which has definitely quicker than individually filling the bags. I believe it is every individualist responsibility to contribute to nature.
Plants and trees have always been significant part of human being. Unknowingly they play big role in keeping humans alive. With growing population we are creating space for new generation. It is part of civilisation. However, we are not realising that cutting trees can be dangerous for future generations.
We had to make sure we complete our task according to our plan. We were suppose to fill bags completely. There were times when I thought about filling bags with quarter left to fill but I had to fully committed to therefore I did completely filled all the bags and even made sure everybody fills their bags completely too.

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World Cultural Fest

The world Culture festival 2016 was a celebration of the Art of Living’s 35 years of service, humanity, spirituality and human values. It took place on March 11-13, 2016 in New Delhi, India. The festival celebrated the diversity in cultures from across the world while simultaneously highlighting its unity as a human family.

“We are inspired to continue with more enthusiasm and greater speed to realize the dream, where life becomes a celebration and the world will become one family. The World Culture Festival is a celebration of achievements and a vision to do better” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Ravi Shankar sermonises on controlling one’s feelings and emotions in addition to being a staunch supporter of inter-religious harmony.

I participated in this remarkable fest. The experience was incredible as I got to perform on such a grand platform. This opportunity not only helped me overcome my stage fear, but also helped me develop my confidence. I developed new dance skills while preparing for this event. To prevent any mistakes, the rehearsals for this fest began quite a few time ago, since November 2015.

The garba classes that I participated in helped me develop new skills very quickly. Managing school with these rehearsals was challenging, but I learnt to adapt it to in sometime. I realises commitment towards these rehearsals was very important, as I had to perform my best on the stage in front of millions of people.

The most incredible moment was it rained heavily, and people from different countries, from  various cultures came together and danced as one unit. It was an unbelievable moment for all the participants. The happiness and positive vibes created during that time made me feel impeccable. I realised that at the end of the day, all of us were humans who enjoyed thoroughly without letting different race, culture changing their minds.

Countries such as Mexico, Rome, Spain, Namibia, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Russia, Brazil, Lithuania, Belarus, Philippines, China, Hungary, Argentina and many more participated in the event and portrayed different dance cultures of their countries. It was a beautiful sight to learn about difference dances, even Indian dances, such as Bharatnatyam, Odissi, Assamese Bihu, Punjabi Bhangra and such like.

It was one of the most breathtaking journeys I’ve experienced till now. It was a moment of sheer joy and merriment.

Below is one of the practice videos that happened in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. I’m in the first column, 3rd row, wearing a Pink and Yellow Kurti.




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