Student Council

Now, I had started to push myself to everything that was out of my comfort zone. I had the responsibility to effectively communicate the Grade’s issues and resolve it in a manner that would be reasonable to the school body as well as the student body. One of my strengths was that I was more approachable by my classmates, which would facilitate the required communication.

I was hesitant at first to speak out my thoughts and opinions, in the presence of Bhumika ma’am/Vardan sir and people from different grades that I have never talked to. I was insecure about the fact that I would be judged. No matter how may times I have tried to convince myself that it doesn’t matter what people think, I was unable to be fairly open about myself. I used to speak only when I thought I had a really great point to be made.

As sessions passed by, I had started to become more vocal. I learnt that from the students of younger grade – that although they make a repetitive or baseless point, they do it with confidence. I did see a huge improvement in me over a few months, and I am really grateful for that.

Another key point to note were that I had made the decision to miss playtime to attend Student Council. I still sometimes feel that it would be great to have one more playtime in the cycle, but then I congratulate myself to choose long-term growth over short-term temptations.

One of the ethical implications that came my way were to let go of my personal bias in any decision that were to be made. For instance, the decision to not play football in assembly was taken, which really affected me, but it did make sense that it had hurt many people and should thus be discontinued.


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