Hindi Immersion

I took the initiative along with Sahil to organize the Hindi immersion event. This was the first of a kind in the school and we were excited to make it worthwhile. The purpose of the event was to immerse the students into the language of Hindi and make them speak purely Hindi. The significance was that, all around the globe, English language has started to penetrate into every culture and language. So it was important that we make them relive the Hindi language that is forgotten. To make it interesting, we thought of keeping the theme as Bollywood so students could cherish the once-spoken language and also have fun.

We had nearly 10 days to do the entire planning. With this time constraint, we started our work right away. We ideated about what all things are we going to do and how do they help in achieving our central aim – hindi immersion. We made a plan and then consulted the ideas with teachers and students. After their suggestions, we reworked on it and made the changes accordingly. We sent our requirements to the respective people to have it ready on the day of the event – mics, shooting to be done, whiteboard and marker, etc.

We also sent mails for the introduction to the event, and explaining the event so we do not waste anytime on the day itself, as we had only one slot to finish 3 activities. We spoke to teachers from grade 11 and 12 to judge the event. We wanted one teacher from grade 11 and one from grade 12 so as to remove any bias in making judgements as it was a faceoff between grade 11 and grade 12. Finally, two teachers agreed to judge the event.

As we had less time left, I thought that a good way to reduce burden and divide the tasks in the limited period of time was to designate responsibilities. We sent a mail to the grade 11 students, asking if anyone is interested to volunteer for the activities. We got just enough volunteers to plan and execute the activities – 2 for each activity. We provided a basic idea of our plan but told them that they were free to add/change it; it was their own thing. I feel this motivated them to work as they felt in control. Nonetheless, we stepped in their part whenever needed so as to ensure the event quality is not compromised.

Sahil and I coordinated the planning of the event. We sat together calmly and discussed the outline, followed by every details that we could think of. We would also share progress of each activity by the volunteers and other preparations about the event (lights, music, resources). This was helpful; communicating and coordinating gave us a direction to work towards and we did not feel lost. For the 10 days, we were completely involved in the making of the event and constantly monitored work of volunteers, and did our part as well.

On the day of event, we faced a time crisis. The first activity took longer than it should so we had to revise the next activities by eliminating some portions of it. This was the last moment challenge we faced and had to be solved immediately. Furthermore, the whiteboard marker was not in place as per our request. We then decided to display the scores and other details on the screen by connecting it to the laptop which had to be done on the whiteboard. The two grades also didnt cease to make chaos in the xBox and people from the organising had to often ask them to maintain the decorum. What I learnt was to always imagine what situation will be and then plan activities, also keep some time spare for any mishappenings.

The ethical implications that came our way was to no be biased towards grade 11 in any way. We ensured this by asking the grade 11 volunteer to prepare dares for grade 12 and the other way round (for the third activity). We also did not disclose the quiz to anyone in our grade and let there be healthy competition. One more thing, we had to make sure that we did not violate any school policies, for example, inappropriate songs or pictures taken from Bollywood. We fulfilled this part of our duty too.




This was the first long-term activity I was going to undertake. I had identified that I looked very thin and got regular comments on why i don’t eat well. I was irritated and I felt the need to look better physically, not only for others but for my own sake. I felt passionate about becoming stronger and looking muscular. Consequently, I took this initiative to join a gym and encouraged my friends to join me, to make this experience a lot more interesting. I ideated that the school gym was the solution to many of our issues like time, money and transport. After a few discussions, 10-11 people got ready and I took this idea to our gym instructor, Mukti m’am. She agreed and explained the workout schedule to me with proper guidelines on how to do the exercises. I understood and had to communicate the same to all my peers who were to join the gym along with me. For the first 1-2 weeks, I motivated my friends to be on time for the gym and remain consistent. I also had to communicate to the transport department to allow us to come by the early morning route. I contacted the transport head and passed on the gym instructor’s approval so that he would allow us for the same.

While the sole purpose of going to the gym was enhancing my physique and getting stronger, it taught me many more things about life and myself during this endeavour. We started with 10 people in the first week, all pumped up about building up their muscles. But as the weeks progressed, people started making excuses and gave up the idea to come to the gym. Only 3-4 of us were almost regular by now. They left early because they implicated that there was no outcome of their handwork. And clearly, there wasn’t. Because they did not commit and persevere to the idea of gymming. Anay and I, however, saw an increase in our muscle mass, primarily at the chest and biceps. The reason I believe was that we were consistent in coming to the gym and working out. This has taught me the significance of perseverance in other areas of life as well, whether it may be fruitful in the initial stages or not.


The planned aim of this activity was achieved as I clearly felt quite physically stronger than before. I started with 2kg dumbbell biceps curl and was able to work with 10kg dumbbell biceps curl. I reached the maximum weight for Leg curl and Leg extension machines. Initially i struggled to do 5kg on each side for Chest press and now I could do 15kg on each side. I feel satisfied and successful with the outcome of the activity.

At times i zoned out and listened to music and focused less on the exercises, however realized the goal and got back on track. Since the gym facilitator didn’t/couldn’t come early to school, we had to work by ourselves in the gym. We were on our own. Moreover, waking up early and coming to the gym 3 times a week for 5 months taught me discipline. Even if I couldn’t find the motivation, I’d still stick to the plan. Many might skip some repetitions or seconds of the workout but then whom are we cheating? Only ourselves. I religiously followed what had to be done and chose to do it even when I couldn’t.

I finally ended the gym activity because I reckoned I had achieved a satisfactory result and did not want to become a massive bodybuilder. I reckoned that I had to switch my priorities to my MITs (Most Important Things) on seeing my to-do-list, that I should move my time and effort to other things.



C.A.S Project – Proud moments…

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”   -Herman Cain

RWP’16 also known as, Ride with pride 2016 against breast cancer was one of my biggest and greatest life achievement in 2016.

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(After our event, the very next day on 7th March 2016, we got featured in a Gujarati newspaper)

This event was organized by two of my friends and me. Cycling is our passion and hobby, so we decided to do something related to it.  The event was truly a new experience for all three of us. Our motive was to create awareness for breast cancer and healthy life. Plus, through this event we planned to donate all our earning to cancer hospitals that do operations for free of cost. The event enlightened 1500 Surtis plus 300 cyclists where both men and women came together with their bicycles and ride them to glory promoting a world devoid of these threats. It was really fun organizing such a huge event for our entire city, but we had faced a lot of challenges that forced us to be more dedicated towards our goal.

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Once we started with the event planning, we encountered challenges and few circumstances where we didn’t know how and what to do. Managing time was the biggest problem. We couldn’t manage studies plus the event work simultaneously.  Due to our event scheduled on 6th march, we had really less time to prepare for our final exams and we missed a lot of curriculum, which became really difficult to cover the portion. Not just this, but because of working for the entire day and going from one place to another we couldn’t have our breaks on time that affected our health and the daily routine. Through this I learnt a lesson for my future that never give up on health, it should always be our first priority plus put first things first.

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Secondly, deciding upon the route was a difficulty. As, it was a Sunday there is an U-TURN event already going on in the city and most of the Surtis usually go there on a Sunday morning. We got really tensed because most of the people go there so there were really less chances for us to get participants plus it was almost impossible to get the NOC (No objection certificate) to block the roads. So, we approached the U-TURN head and asked him if he can help us. After negotiating with him, we made U-TURN our event partner. Through U-TURN we could also go on Sundays and promote about our event. Additionally, as U-TURN is a government initiative and now that it was our event partner, we directly went to the commissioner’s office to get an approval for the event. And thankfully he agreed with our plan, as he was really happy for us that we three young girls are doing such a huge rally for an awareness program, which is outstanding.  

(On a Sunday morning at U-TURN for promoting our event)

(On a Sunday morning at U-TURN for promoting our event)

Thirdly, after getting the plan approved we couldn’t begin with our event preparation, as we didn’t have the startup money. Thus, we then decided to go and seek for sponsors. Getting sponsors was the most difficult and tiring task.  So, we made a PowerPoint presentation to persuade the sponsors to provide a helpful hand by supporting the cause. We listed all the benefits that the sponsors will get through our event. Although, one problem that we had faced was while we asked for sponsors we had told them that we will advertise about your business everywhere including few hoardings in the city, roadside banners, newspapers, radio etc. But, when we went to hoarding company for getting hoarding of our event in the city, we didn’t have substantial amount, as the rates were really high-pitched. So we decided not to put hoardings. This was unethical, as we had already told our sponsors that we would at least put 5-6 of them in the city. At the end while cutting off this idea, we got a contact through one of our event partners who didn’t charge us for the hoarding so we decided to put one hoarding, to fulfill our promise. 

(Hoarding designed by us)

(Hoarding designed by us)

The fourth challenge that we faced was we didn’t get the expected number (500) of participants till one week before of the event. So all of us got really scared and worried. We had lost hopes of our event getting successful. We regretted for all the hard work we had put in to make our event as effective as it can be. Later, we decided to not give up and instead we motivated ourselves by listening to what our parents and friends said about the hard work we had put in.  We had the same energy and determination again like we had on the first day of our event planning. Then we brainstormed about what we can still do to get at least 250 participants. We thought of all the effective advertising techniques that were possible by looking at our budget. Because till this time, we didn’t even reach the break-even point of the budget as we already did a lot of spending on all the tee shirts, medals, Gatorade and water by buying it in quantity of 500. Hence, we planned to advertise through schools, radio, social media, newspapers, pamphlets and we sent a SMS to all the Surtis. 

(Types of newspaper where we advertised)

(Types of newspaper where we advertised)

Last but not the least, I also faced few problems when it came to collaboration of work. At times it so happened that there was miscommunication between the three of us and I was not updated of what my two partners had thought of. So, we decided to divide the work and allot tasks to each other. This led us to do more efficient work with less time and no miscommunication problems. What I leant was working in a group becomes difficult at times as everything doesn’t take place the way we want it to. But, at the end three of us were really happy because we could reach our aim.

Additionally, there was one ethical consideration that i could think of after the event. We were making people aware by giving them a leaflet about what breast cancer is but at the same time we were even wasting a lot of paper. So, what i personally learnt is, if we are in a world full of technology then we should make use of it effectively. Thus, we can also save paper and aware them through various techniques through technology usage.

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The event was a huge success. I can’t describe how happy I was. My happiness was beyond imagination because my parents, friends and everyone else were so proud of us as we reached our aim, while we donated a huge amount of money too few cancer hospitals, which was of help too few women. Through this event I thoroughly enjoyed my CAS experience as I could achieve all the three strands creativity (by designing the logo, pamphlets, hoardings, banners etc.), service and activity, which will help me in my future.  

(After event FUN )

(After event FUN )




Janki Van – Great things never came from comfort zone!

Gardening is something everybody will love, once they start doing it. – Disha Sarawagi

Being well versed with the current environmental conditions on Earth and therefore the importance of plants, I am scared what this world would be after just very few thousands of years. Our school had initiated a CAS trip for us. The Indian government took an initiative to open a botanical garden that is named as Janki Van, near Vansda.  We as the responsible citizens of the planet went to the garden and helped the local labors working there to plant saplings. The garden is for future tourists attraction to explore the village and the beauty of the plants and I am glad that I was a part of the process.
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We departed for the trip early in the morning around 7 o’clock and we reached by 10 o’clock. Later, our tour guide instructed us about the process of planting saplings and divided us into teams of two, where both the teams planted saplings but at different spots in the garden.

Frankly speaking, I don’t like to confess it, but I was already too tired to take up a challenge as the bus journey was too tiring plus I was bored at the early stage of the process itself. But as I started working, I gradually predicted the implications that my actions would hold. Just reading and learning in the books about the environmental hazards that we humans are making like deforestations of trees for making rubber, wood etc., isn’t going to help us in the long run. So, to make our Earth a better place I undertook this challenge of putting in efforts to actually plant, rather than just learning and complaining about it.

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There are five learning outcomes that i accomplished during the entire activity of plantation. The one of most supreme importance was I engaged in a global issue locally.  In today’s century if I notice, with globalization has come increasing exploitation of natural resources like water, soil and trees. The man-kind thinks of their own benefits of natural resources that will soon go scarce. Thus, I feel blessed that I participated in a significant global issue at hand by planting new saplings. Though the number of saplings that i planted was 75 which is a very insignificant amount compared to the exploitation rate of trees. This gave me a feeling of responsible environmental citizen.

The second learning outcome was I showed perseverance and commitment in my activity. Planting saplings through a proper method was a difficulty. But, for the first time planting 75 saplings was an accomplishment for me. We not just planted the saplings but we also watered all the plants and applied fertilizers to them. The containers were quite heavy and we had to fill the containers with the saplings to transport them from one end to another on foot.

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The third learning outcome was i worked collaboratively with my colleagues. During the entire process we had to work collaboratively while planting the sapling and by filling the containers and carrying them from one end to another. Through collaboration of work, I realised how  fast the activity progressed due to synergy of work and sheer will to do it. Without the teamwork, the task would have become tedious after few hours of continuous work.

   Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 3.09.30 pmFourth learning outcome was, I considered the ethical implications of my actions. The one thing that made me happy was I helped saving the environment by contributing for a greener tomorrow. Additionally, this would also inspire other school students to engage in eco-friendly programmes like this one.

The last and the most important learning was that, I undertook new challenges. I had never done something so interesting like this. Infact, before the trip I was really worried about the activity as i thought it would be very difficult and i couldn’t do it. But, I began my work with the end in mind that it is a good opportunity for me to do something for my planet, and i completed it.

Overall, the trip was really fun and I gained a lot of knowledge about planting and the environment.

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After completing all our work, a group picture was a necessity 😉


Reflection about Plantation trip to Vansda

It was a CAS trip planned by our school. We went to Vansda, a public garden that was being constructed by the government. Making huts, digging pits, planting sapplings and creating amazing views. We helped them in making garden.  After dividing in two groups, our group was to garden at one place and the second one at other. I was given a task to cut open the plants from the plastic bag and to create Ridges for plants (keeping water flow/consumption/irrigation in mind [all about science!]).

When I was cutting open the plants out of plastic bags, I had no clue as to how am I supposed to do it and as a result, I had damaged a few plants in the process; which ended up in scattered soiled plants, drain off a lot of energy and many people taunting me for my unexpected work. For improving my work, I had asked a few people to guide me and later on it helped me work better and faster, with the bonus of saved energy for later use.

My second task of working with others for forming ridges was an unexpectedly easy task. Usually, people fight for the task that seems comfortable to them and easy to do, hence results in small conflicts; but because all of us over here wanted to help and came with a purpose of providing good service, people were ready to take up difficult task and do more. This time, after the experience from my first work, I decided to understand how to do, what I am supposed to do. This action helped me in reducing my efforts and helps me do a smart work. I was able to work fast, leaving me time in between to take rest for few seconds.

As it was in monsoon season, I thought it would make our task easier; but the unexpected seasonal changes increased our workload. The task of bending down for doing your work and then staying/walking in the same position made it all better for an experience of hard core pain in the calve muscles. This experience of uncomforting only made me realized the tedious efforts of the laborers working in here for the same, for months!

After we completed our part of work everyone one was tired and was ready to run away. While working, everyone was sweating in the sun, there were times when everyone was thirsting for water and we had less of it available; that moment of fight and sharing the resources made me realized the importance of it as well as the hard work everyone was doing.  As we had distributed our work, we could work in more synchronization and effective results were seen.

After completing, we all were discussing our experiences with our friends from the other groups, and that enthusiasm with which we talked showed how happy/satisfied we were on our success of servicing. After the whole act of service, we all were appreciated in front of our mentors and pals; making us all feels proud of ourselves. You see, hard work always pays off!


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Young Orators ( 2015-16 )

An activity, which I have always enjoyed, is oratory. Recently, I had participated in young orators 2016, where I secured the second place in the semi finals and the second place in the finals. This competition is held on a wide scale consisting of about 100 participants from three different cities, so I had to carefully plan my speech over a period of 2 months for the semi finals as well as finals. The topic given to me was about “Dashrath Munjee – the mountain man”, which was something I was previously unaware about, thus by researching about it, I was able to expand my knowledge about great Indians and their stories.

In the finals, I was given an extempore topic on how it feels like to fail in class. I had previously never attempted extempore speeches and it was a challenge to come up with ideas in 15 minutes, but through the tips given to us, I was able to speak confidently and secure the second place. This helped me identify my strength of speaking, and I look forward to developing my skill of extempore speaking. In the competition, I also heard speeches from educators and radio jockeys who spoke about the importance of having good communication skills. They shared their stories of struggle and success and about issues of global importance like illiteracy, poverty, lack of proper education etc. These talks were very inspirational and gave me a lot of new information and made me aware about what we, as individual citizens, could do to have better personalities to make our country better. Overall, participating in young orators helped me identify my love and skill for speaking, made me attempt extempore speaking and also made me realize that I should broaden my imagination to come up with ideas instantly. I also learnt that planning in advance for a good speech gave me more time to include more ideas and portray them efficiently. The speeches given by the educator ( principals of 3 different schools ) and a few radio jockeys opened my mind to look at global problems like illiteracy and lack of education in a new way and inspired me to organize an educational fest. Oratory has always been something I’ve loved, and winning in a competition among a large number of participants was a very memorable experience!

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Reliving childhood with Bal Mela

Bal mela is an activity organised by my school (Fountainhead school) every year. The main aim behind organizing such an event is to give opportunity to underprivileged to relive their childhood and to spread smiles. All the activities that we had planned for were planned in a way that children would enjoy to their fullest.. This event was a huge success because of a lot of reasons, one of which was the synergy that we had among ourselves. From planning to executing the whole event every decision that was made involved opinions of everybody from the organizing committee. A lot of students including me were a part of this organizing committee. In order to make this day a memorable one for the children, we had planned for activities such as face painting, dancing, tattoo making etc.

After putting in so much efforts, 13th Feb 2016, was the day for the event. Personally I wasn’t feeling good about the event because I was very nervous as to how will I manage to handle 40-50 kids at a time. Also what made me nervous was, will I be able to take them back into the times of their childhood. Because what I thought earlier about underprivileged kids were that they might not be very enthusiastic when it comes to mingling with new people and that they might have low self esteem. However, I was wrong.

I was into the department of my interest;’running stage’. We had to make the children do freestyle dance. I was really excited for this. However, what came up as challenge for me was to perform in front of 40-50 people without preparing, so that the children could see us and do the same. Initially I wasn’t very comfortable dancing in front of so many people, however as time passed I could make up to the challenge and was able to overcome it. During this process I was able to identify one of my strengths I never thought about and that was to be able to dance on the spot without having rehearsed.

Something that all of us had to keep in mind was the ethics of our choices and actions. We had to make sure that we treat every child equally so that none of them’s feelings get hurt. In a nutshell, this was an amazing experience and it gave me a lot to remember. What gave me true happiness was seeing the children with smiling faces throughout the event. This was a relief for me as my only purpose was to make them happy and give them a chance to enjoy all the stuff that we do. And something that I took as a lesson from this experience was that one can make through anything if he/she has the dedication and desire to do it. Nothing could give me immense pleasure than knowing that we as a team made it happen,and fulfilled our aim.IMG_0131

A Day with Orphan kids

What else can be more special than spending sometime with orphan kids from Charlie Help age. We did some activities with them like ice breaking session, card making, zumba, painting and we showed them a movie as well.

I personally had an amazing and really helpful experience. Spending time with those kids made me realize  that I am blessed to have such a life with great opportunities coming my way and I should appreciate everything that I have today instead of looking for more. Those kids were so lively that seeing them I couldn’t feel as if they lived in an orphanage and had something’s missing in their lives.

Initially I wasn’t comfortable with those kids as this was my first experience with orphan kids and it took me sometime to get involved with them. However, when we started dancing and when we started with the activities I was able to come out of my comfort zone and interact with those kids. This made it easier for both, the children and me to enjoy the rest of the time with each other and know each other better.

This activity involved a lot of teamwork as we had to make the kids feel comfortable because this was their first time of going into a school, meeting new people and spending a whole day with them. Our synergy brought them closer to us and working together as a team made it easier for us to entertain them and not make them feel as they have something less than us.

Throughout the activity everything went very smooth, we were able to mingle with the kids and so were they and all of us were comfortable with each other except one child. The entire day that child did not utter a word neither did he participate in any of the activities. This led us to ponder about what was it that was disturbing him. Till the end of the day we were able to cheer him up irrespective of the fact that we did not come to know exactly what he was thinking about.

There was one thing that we had to be very particular about. That was considering the ethics of our choices and our actions. Ethics played a major role in the way we treated the children. We had to be very conscious in the way, that we treat all the children equally so that we don’t hurt the feelings of anyone of them.

I learned a lot of things from this activity:interacting with strangers and make them feel comfortable around me, working together as a team, and most importantly being satisfied and happy with what I have. Above all this, what gave me true happiness was seeing the children enjoying themselves to their fullest and forgetting about everything else.

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Planning for the activities to be conducted

CAS Retribition

From wondering what “lights, camera, ACTION” would sound like from hearing it yourself while being in front of a camera is a long way. Retribution gave me this opportunity to actually experience it. A fellow friend who intended to make a web series approached me with a raw idea of the show. At first, I thought of myself as incapable of doing the role as the nature of the character was in contrast with my personality. That is when I saw the challenge in it. To learn something new and to help a friend in need. I was one of the lead roles and I knew that I would have to put in more efforts than anyone and that my performance was directly proportional to the impact of the web series. I knew that commitment and sincerity were always my weak point and to make this effective, commitment and sincerity were crucial. To execute this with our best effort, we decided to meet for one to one and a half hour sessions for at least three prior to the day decided for shooting. The shooting went on for 2 months(November/December. Not every day but on weekends when we could give more time to it). I had to manage my academics and this activity that I had taken up. I learnt how to plan ahead so that I can attend practices and not miss out on my academics.
During the rehearsal, I felt something was missing in everyone’s performance. That element was the reaction. Each and every actor including myself was failing to give a reaction to each other’s dialogues. The actors were failing to collaborate and develop an understanding as to how each dialogue would affect the dynamic of the plot, the plot progression and the each actor’s character. The synergy between actors was missing which made it look like everyone was different elements of different stories. To overcome this obvious flaw in our performance, we all decided to watch TV shows and movies more observantly. One ethical concern that I would like to reflect upon was that some scenes for dramatic effects had curse words and the video does not have an age restriction. This way children who are not of a mature age might be influenced negatively. If they are of a very impressionable age they might include such words in their daily vocabulary and other children might be affected by it thus creating a domino effect or a chain reaction. The outcome of this was not perfect but better than expected. The process taught me things I wouldn’t have learnt otherwise. Also, I learnt that there is no better feeling that earning your friend’s gratitude for helping him out.

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3dOIU-7ogM

ISA French Fest- Only for the love of languages”


We went for a French competition at ISA (International School of Aamby), Aamby Valley. It was a great experience for me. My job was to create the presentation for our Francophone country which was Belgium. The presentation mainly had to include the famous cuisines and cuisines which originate from Belgium. By making the presentation I improved my vocabulary because we had recently completed the chapter of food, by making the presentation I learnt new grammer, conjugation, vocabulary and sentence structure by writing and reading in French. It was approximately 7 months since we were learning French so I didn’t know how to frame long sentences in French and that was a drawback for us. We had to engage ourselves in the French language because it was a tought subject and it was our first year of French so we had to update ourselves so that we don’t commit any critical mistakes in the Fest which would bring our whole French team down. We were running short on time for the presentation because we were given our country just 1 week before the competition so we had to come up with ideas immediately and execute them as early as possible. At first we had thought that we will decorate our stall as a Belgium Embassy but we couldn’t do that due to lack of resources and at the end we thought of making the stall look as a Restaurant where a quiz will happen, the menu was designed as a sort of question card, after each question announced anyone sitting on the table has to raise his/her hand and answer the question. For designing the stall as a restaurant we wasted a lot of resources, those resources could have been saved if we would have had a concrete idea to decorate the stall. We had a total of 2 to 3 hours to decorate the stall so doing it batchwise was practically impossible so we split ourselves into 4 teams, 1st team was handling the Arts section (Create posters, color flag, etc.), 2nd team was arranging the tables and stall according to a restaurant, 3rd team was decorating the walls of the classroom and 4th team was designing the food menus and searching for music played in Belgian restaurants. By this we learnt how to save time, increase leadership skills and work colloboratively to enhance the outcome which was/can be achieved. After the completition of this Fest, I learnt that my skills are in executing plans which are changed at last moment. From my experience I learnt that one must keep engaging in the French language to improve their language skills, communicating skills and analysing skills.

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