Maker’s Space – Foosball Table- CAS Project

Maker’s Space – Foosball Table


Making something using tools and innovative that is all I wanted, and school had offered this to us. So we three Vitan Patel, Pranjal Bhansali and I, we wanted it to be something where a user could enjoy and the product should be fun too. We went through about 1000’s of ideas on the internet still we didn’t find anything interesting as it was something which was already. Then we decided to put forward some ideas which we want in our project.


  • it should be very attractive.
  • It should be filled with a lot of fun.
  • Anybody could play with it and they should enjoy it most.
  • Something innovative, by improving the existing product and making it more interesting.
  • We decided to not make our project which is very easy to build as we wouldn’t be learning anything new so we decided to do something with carpentry as this could be used as a survival skills as well as sometime later it could be useful in the future and is fun too.

So we saw a foosball table and one of my fellow memeber told that, somewhere there is a Foosball world championship taking place, that way we came to knew that it an official sport too. But foosball are small in size and only 4 players could play it, then we came up with increase in the size of the table as well as the number of players- 8, this thing was great for a party fun. The main objective of this project is learn about learning some new skills which is commonly used but still no one is well aware like carpentry looks easy but it was not.

We started working on our designs from four months prior to the date of exhibition which was on 6 feb 2016 .We thought of only using wood and acrylic to make the base and the boundary transparent, which will make its appearance the most different and out of the world idea. We pledged to give our 100% in the work which will reflect upon the outcome of our activity. From end of december we finalised our project got it approved and ordered basic materials like Wood and acrylic. So leaving everyday routine and balancing the studies to do and the work on this project was a new experience for me by showing determination towards the making of this table.

We had never carved or tried our hands on carpentry before, this was my first time on learning wood cutting and giving it a nice shape. We asked our advisor to give a helping hand to this project, So we learned from a skilled carpenter from school itself, how to cut a wood where we thought it would be easy and there are machines to help, so we thought it would be not that difficult but when we tried our hands on the machine it turned out to be the most difficult part because the machines looked small, but to control the wood saw machine was at times the hardest part, keeping in mind – safety has to be there because it could lead to major injuries. We had to work a lot on the project. We started from buying accessories, despite we have to study we still managed to balance and went out looking for these things like: electrical wires, led’s and sensors for the goal as we thought when a goal is scored, the light gate sensor will work and the led’s would light up, so we went out in search of these things in the list we thought to stick on the budget for the accessories for under Rs.1500, we divided our work and I went in the search for led’s and drive and wire, one partner went for the foosball ball and other for the light-gate sensor. Few things were available in the market and some were not. But we managed with other things and as per time constraint we compromised some things and though to add the features later.  

We faced many challenges during execution, because materials ordered by school for us were not a good quality and some materials which we expected, like rods were having different lengths or some part would take more time to be cut, shape and to be finished. This way we had to speed up our work and wanted to complete it on time. We decided to come every early mornings and stay late evening to make the unique table which is not just a table but a piece of art which is very different. Dividing work in a group of 3 made our job easier. As one would work upon the acrylic cutting one on wood and other on polishing and joining all parts together and nailing it.

Execution was the most difficult stage, we faced many obstacles during our making. One week was left for the AS exhibition and we were still having many troubles regarding the players, we decided to make 3D printed players, but running out of time, one 3d players takes about 4-6 hours, so we can’t afford to make players during school time. We decided an alternative where one team will be made from discarded wood and that way we could reduce the use of plastic and wood could be attractive to, so we chose the abandoned wood pieces available in school carpentry workshop.One day before the exhibition, we finished gluing everything and fixed the whole table, and polished it. “Looks Spectacular” we all said. On the day of presentation: the foosball table looked stunning and audience came, where they enjoyed playing it and it was the most eye catching thing among all the other projects. And our work finally pays off!   screen-shot-2016-11-17-at-9-31-50-pm


Planting a tree= Planting a life

‘Plant a tree, Save the Earth’ was an initiation taken by Nature Club Surat and our school asked if we wanted to do something for our mother Earth. I participated as I was eager to know the process of a plantation and I also wanted to return something to nature.

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The benefits of afforestation have been drilled in my mind since three years because of taking Environmental Sciences. I learnt how human activities and urbanization has caused many environmental problems globally. And knowing that tree plantation is one of the major solutions to many problems, I really wanted to take a part in this activity. One day before the activity, I was really excited.

However, on the day of the plantation it was raining extremely heavily and we had to wake up very early in the morning as well. For once,  I was having second thoughts about should I go or not as I had to walk to the location (because of some reasons) But then, I was determined and committed to go the school where we were suppose to plant the trees. It was a laborious task to walk in heavy rains and then rigorously using your physical strength to plant.

We were informed how to plant them and where. There was a particular technique which we had to learn. Our ethical values comes into picture here, either we could be lazy and not work hard to plant each tree perfectly, or we could try to learn the perfect technique which would be best for the trees. I gave my best to learn from the experts as to what to do in each stage of plantation.

As said Big changes start with small steps. Therefore, no matter how many plants I might have planted, I still felt that I contributed to something on a larger scale.


Heaven is where the Himalaya’s are!

 I always wish to rest and retire in the Himalayas. – Disha Sarawagiimg_0051Naggar, the capital of Kullu for more than 1450 years, which is famous for its apple, the great architected temples and the customs/traditions of the Himalayan people. Two friends and I planned and executed the entire trip. This was the best trip I had ever been too in the valley of himalayas, as I was with friends who were like family. The trip started with long journeys from Gujarat to the Himalayas (North).


Himalayas is as beautiful as it sounds to be. Chilled atmosphere, adventure and good food is what all I need. We started with small treks in  Naggar and then thrilling adventure in the Solang valley. I love going for adventurous trips and all my life i had just heard about skiing, snow sports and trekking. But this trip marked a tick in my bucket list, as i could finally do all of this. 

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I felt scared and adventurous both at the same time. When we went to solang, I did snow tubing and skiing, which I had never done before in my life. I was very scared and nervous till my chance has come. Looking at people who did it already, gave me confidence that even I can do it. Finally when my turn came in the queue and when I did it, all the fear just went off with the experience itself. I can’t put it in words how amazing it is to slide down from the top in the chilled air.

img_3611Later after snow tubing, it was our turn to do skiing. Skiing sounds very interesting but it’s not as easy as it seems to be. We were given half day training or knowledge about skiing as it is really difficult as it requires proper balance and the activation of your 6 senses. While I did skiing, I was able to grasp all that the trainer told us to do. Thus, i was able to balance myself on the skates and save myself from falling. Plus, because i was able to balance, the trainer asked us to try the difficult routes with more cuts and turns. This gave me more motivation, confidence and much more joy. Learning and doing skiing is one of the best memories i have got from this trip.  


 Plus, while we got the exposure of doing yoga and trekking, I realised that I can further improve my health and fitness by working hard -physically, and i realised how much essential it is for us to eat good healthy food. We used to go for treks everyday (until a week), treks whose routes were long and hard. One day it took us 5-6 hours to reach the top (Rumsu village) for which we where supposed to trek till the top of the mountains and climb more than 1000 stairs. I realised how on regular basis it is very important for me to do cardio. However, we successfully reached the village with a bag of happiness and our body been aching at the same time. 😛 


At the top of RUMSU village.

 Overall, this trip has taught me a lot about myself like I should work hard and improve my stamina and endurance, unity within friends and these simple joys of life.

Debate competition

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Oratory and speeches have always been something that I was good at, so participating in this debate was just another way to develop my skill.

When I participated in this competition, I was still a new student so I did not even know my team members very well, so I felt that this would be a way to make new friends while doing something I love – Debating!

We were first selected in the semi finals and then moved on to the final round. The topic which we had to prepare for was “Is competition necessary?” and we were against the topic, while researching for this topic, I came across a lot of new information which I hadn’t known before, so it enhanced my knowledge about a global issue.

While debating, I prepared my points and speeches in advance, I had to convince the other team with the most logic, instead of just fighting, so this helped me develop a new kind of skill for debating which I did not learn in MUNs

In this competition, I had to work collaboratively with my team-mates, unlike oratory and MUNs where I usually argue on my own, we did face some hurdles as even within the team we had disagreements, but we overcame those and were able to work together to win the competition!

I realized that even though we won, my arguments could have been much better and well-formulated, I could also recognize that working in a team was something that I had difficulty with and needed to learn as a survival skill for life.

While participating in a debate, it is crucial to have some ethical considerations, in this instance as well, I had to be mindful of the language I was using so that I did not offend anyone and also to remain unbiased and not cheat in the competition.

Overall, it was a fun experience where I learnt a lot of about a new topic and also made a lot of new friends!


Proposal stage :
When I was in nursery school, along with me, there were a few kids who were mentally challenged or disabled, they had developmental disabilities. My mother is a psychologist, so because of this, I spent a lot of time and had a lot of exposure to kids who had these disabilities. As I was growing up, I began to notice that these kids were not treated well by the society, they didn’t have equal opportunities according to their abilities, and they were not subjected to kind behavior, so I had a talk about this with some of my friends who were psychology students and it came as a shock to me that even psychology students didn’t know about these kids, and how to behave with them and what they need. This got me thinking…so I researched and found that 2% of the entire world population has developmental disabilities.

I realized that education about mental health is scarce, and it is a global problem, as until mental health education is given to people, suitable treatments can not be formulated and also, people suffering from mental health diseases would never gain acceptance in the global society.

So I talked to my psychology teacher and came up with the idea of initiating a fest where normal kids could interact with special kids to learn more about them and how they live.

I figured that in this way, I could spread this message of global importance on a small scale in my way.
Planning stage :
I along with my friend from my psychology class decided that we should do something about this problem, but our first challenge was…whether we would get participants for this activity. With low hopes we decided to send out forms and surprisingly got an overwhelming response of people who wanted to get involved in our activity.

We then spent a few weeks planning a half-day activity which included art and crafts, sports, games, learning activities. With the help of our parents, we found a school called “Shree Nandan School” who was willing to let us conduct this fest in their school. We regularly worked collaboratively with the teachers of the school, with consistency, and constantly kept updating our participants to ensure that we understood every process correctly as there was a certain way that we had to behave with the kids. We prepared the schedules, and separated the 30 special kids ( ages 5-18 ) in groups according to their intellectual levels.  This planning was a new challenge for us, as neither me nor my friend had organized an event before, and more importantly, an activity of this scale regarding special kids and mental health.

However, we were motivated to play our part in spreading this message so we worked hard. One important ethical consideration I remembered ( thanks to IB psychology ) was to make consent forms for the parents of the special kids, which we sent to them 3 days prior to the event.

Everything was going smoothly, all our activities were planned, we had gotten all the resources, Dhyay and I went to the school 2 days before the event and helped to set everything up…but that day itself, our school announced that there was an important compulsory meeting on the same day as our event.
We got really scared as all our participants would be going to this meeting, and we wouldn’t have any participants at all, I called the teacher up and she said that she had already informed the parents so we could not postpone the event.
Getting 30 new participants before 24 hours was  BIG CHALLENGE for us! We didn’t know who we would convince, how we would explain everything to them so quickly, however, with collaborative work of our volunteers, and my friends, we somehow managed to get a few participants, even then, we were still very anxious about our event.

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Execution stage :

Finally, the day of the event had come and Dhyay and I reached there early, and with the help of the teachers and volunteers, we were able to quickly prepare everything and set everything up.

We held a minor session to educate the participants about how to behave with the kids, which activities to perform, we sorted the participants in groups as well and told them the work they would be required to do as a team.

Throughout the day we engaged in various activities with the kids. We would rotate the groups so that everyone would have a chance to interact with kids of all intellectual levels. Everyone worked collaboratively, whether it was making the acts indulge in craft activities, or whether we needed help in moving around the groups. Because of the learning of our school policies, everyone was also very careful not to waste the resources like paper, paints, colors etc. Through efforts together, the entire event went smoothly.


– Puzzle making

– Friendship bracelet making

– Poster making


– Cricket

– Musical Chairs

– Games

After all the activities were over, we spent some time just talking to the kids and dancing with them. One of the best feedback we got was that one special child who hadn’t talked in 3 weeks had spoken because of the efforts of one of our participants. We tied friendship bracelets and then gathered around in a circle to talk about our experiences. We got great feedback from our participants about how this experience had created a difference in their mindsets about mental health, what they had liked and what they thought could’ve been done better.

( We also sent a form later on so that we could incorporate these suggestions the next time we organized something like this )



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We got featured in a newspaper…So that was a matter of great pride for us!

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Organizing this event taught me quite a few things –

1) Quick thinking – This was required when we had to get participants 2 days before the event
2) Consistency – Throughout the planning of the activities, we had to be consistent with our meetings with the school so as to ensure proper execution of the activities
3) Ethical concerns – We had to prepare consent forms for the parents of the special kids and also inform our participants about what was expected of them. We also had to be careful that we did not waste the resources.
4) Appreciation – I gained a lot of appreciation for teachers, as I realized the amount of hard work they put in every single day for the students so that they have the best facilities.
5) Reflection – The teacher taught me that after organising such an event, we should always take feedback from the participants about what they learnt, what they liked, what they expected more. I took this suggestion and collected reflections and they gave me a very helpful and deep insight into how I could improve this initiative the next time I do it.

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A few areas, which I identified that I could work on, were –

1) Leadership skills – On such busy events, I realized that it is important to take decisions rationally and take the charge, which is something I’d want to work on so that I can lead better in future events.
2) Backup – We should always have backup help, and resources, for eg – that day we did not have enough activities and materials to play games with., so we could have preplanned accordingly.
3) Patience – I realized from my activity, that there a lot of people who have disabilities and are not as blessed as we are, and to help them and understand them, we require a lot of patience. This quality could be practiced in our daily relationships as well.Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 19.28.19Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 19.18.41

Final takeaway :
After spending time with these kids, I realize that society needs to work a lot on awareness about mental heath, there are a lot of misconceptions which need to be cleared and we, as society members need to do our own basic human duties to make people with these disabilities feel accepted in our society. I learnt that intelligence is a gift which we often don’t value, and we keep whining about things we don’t have, when in reality, we are truly blessed. Patience is something that is a necessity when we are spending time with these kids, but their response and honesty is truly rewarding.
I aspire to go into the field of psychology, therefore, this event was really close to my heart but I also realized that the field of special education was not something I would do, as I do not have the patience in me to give my best to this field.


Kabbadi tournament!

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”

I realized the true importance of this saying when I had to force myself to participate in the kabbadi tournament held at my school. My friends continuously kept nagging me that I did not participate in sports, was lazy etc etc so I was determined to prove them wrong, and for the first time, I decided to challenge myself by doing something which I had never done before and gave my name in the Kabbadi competition.

There were various matches spread over a few number of days. If you won a match, you advanced to the next round.

In the first match, I was blank, I didn’t know what to do, I was just blocking the way of my team mates, and I felt really bad that I was spoiling their chances of winning, through the first game only, I realized that come what may, I had to develop my strength and increase my stamina. I decided that I would start running or working out the next day itself!

Surprisingly, we won the first match, but I did not want to be a bother to my team, so I approached my team captain and he explained to me the rules of the game, feeling a little confident, I went to the second match! I was surprised to find out much team-mates mattered, I realized that to win, we needed to use each other strengths as a team, and defend ourselves accordingly, and by using this strategy, to my joy, we cleared to the next round!

However, now, I had to buck up, so I started learning a few skills which I saw on the internet, took tips from my team mates so that on the day of the finals, I could do my best.

Finally, the day of finals came and we as a team won the tournament! It was a great moment of pride for me, as I am not the kind of a person who ever wins at any sport.

Throughout the competition, there were a few ethical considerations which we had to keep in mind, we had to be mindful that we did not cheat in the game and did not intentionally hurt anyone.

This activity ended up teaching me a lot more than I had expected, I had participated just with the intention of proving my friends wrong, but I ended up learning how to work together as a team to become a stronger competitor. I think the most important lesson was to put myself in situations which made me uncomfortable, as this was the only way that I could grow as a person.

I am glad that I stuck to this activity even though it was a new and difficult challenge for me. It was conducted over a span of one month and if I had quit, I wouldn’t have been able to develop a new skill of Kabbadi, hence, perseverance and commitment to this activity ended up giving me great rewards!


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