Surat Ultimate Open 2015- PROJECT (Creativity/Activity/Service)

This activity was my CAS Project. Surat Ultimate Open, basically, is an annual Ultimate Frisbee tournament hosted by Surat Ultimate. SUO 2015 was one of its kind as it was organised by two 16-year-olds (Khushi and me), along with the help of a few adults. There were about 28 Open teams and 10 Women teams, who competed for the title of SUO Winners and SUO Spirit Winners. This motive of this tournament was to encourage more cities to participate and hence, we had 3 different slabs for registration fee so that every player, fortunate or not, can participate and enjoy.

We designed the logo for the tournament and jersey for our team (Creativity), we also served the players who needed monetary help (Service) and we also played in Zero Gravity Women’s team (Activity).

I have been playing Ultimate for quite some time now, and the game itself along with team cooperation is my strength. My goal was to perform well as a player, both on and off the field. As a team, we aimed to win the tournament for which we practiced together on fitness and skills. However, on the day of the tournament, I broke my leg and couldn’t play. However, I did achieve and fulfill my goals by being motivating during practices. Moreover, on the organising part, my leadership quality is a plus. Hence, I used this to get field volunteers and explain them their job.

The whole activity was a challenge in itself, there were tough decisions to be made, strict deadlines to be met and many rejections to be content with. Juggling the planning of the event along with school work was a tough job, but we did come across strong when it was the day of the actual tournament. I think, personally, it was important for the both of us to take up this challenge and assess our abilities. The end result was satisfactory and all the players had fun.

This project was a collaborative work with immense planning for almost 4 months. Vardan sir, Hardik sir, and Pratik sir were our adult mentors and they helped us with the whole process. The plus to this was that we all had different kinds of experiences and expertise, which helped us in emergency situations. Each and everybody’s dominant skill was used to its fullest to reap the most benefits. We also had a crisis situation during the tournament day, but because of Hardik sir and Vardan sir, we got out of it and everything was sorted. A few players were also quite unhappy with the stay and the facilities, but we couldn’t have done anymore, so they decided to stay on their own. Khushi and I were pretty moved, but then our mentors handled the situation and we were alright the next day.

For me, fitness and sports is a must in every human’s life, especially children. And in this nation, a lot of them suffer because of the lack of opportunities. They are stolen from a lot of players to be because they don’t have enough money to pay for it. In this SUO we wanted to give an opportunity to everybody and anybody. We worked hard towards getting things in a budget and asking players, who were capable enough, to pay and partially subsidise the less fortunate players.

Moreover, the ethical aspect was always there. The way we used the funds/money, the way in which we directed and guided our fellow volunteers and the extent of fairness and equality we showed for every player/team. During the planning, we were questioned about our high fee prices, but it was our responsibility to justify our reason because people are spending their money to play. These were the major things we had to keep in mind and I think, we did a pretty decent job in doing the ‘right things’.

All in all, it was a great experience, with a lot of learnings. There were many problems too, but looking at the big picture, for me, it was a big success.

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Who am I?



I am Unnati Agrawal
I am 17 years old
I have a sibling (who is a pain in my butt)
I live in Surat, Gujaratcas-2
I study in Fountainhead School

And this is exactly how monotonous I think my life would be if I didn’t have my friends by my side or this school where I can openly express myself and practice my hobbies. I love dancing and singing, they are my wea
kest as well as my strongest points, but what I love more is how they make me feel alive. They already are my talents, but now what I want is for them to be the talents that I can show the world. Well, I have a looooooooong way to go.

Those were only two of the many things I enjoy doing. Math and psychology are two subjects that I am really interested in and would want to pursueI am also very interested in baking and I could say that I am doing good so far but I would still like to learn new techniques that make the cakes more flavourful and decorative. However I really hate cooking but I can’t be eating cakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I understand that it is a life skill that I wont be able to survive without so that adds yet another thing to my “to learn” list.
Apart from these, there are a lot of things I would like to learn and do. The first one being frisbee, because I love the way it is all about spirit and you have only your own actions to monitor and be upfront about. The second thing might come as a shock to my peers but I have always loved the sport basketball more than any other sport, but I never tried it because I never wanted to leave the team I had in football.
But what I don’t need to learn is helping others, neither physically nor mentally. I am really passionate about helping people in any way I can and I believe that every one should at least want to do that because it not only makes the world a better place but also helps us become a better person. This being said, there is a quote from the song “Jeena isika naam hai” that I’d like to share that is very close to my heart and reflects my ideology:
Kisi Ki Muskurahaton Pe Ho Nisar
Kisi Ka Dard Mil Sake To Le Udhaar
Kisi Ke Vaaste Ho Tere Di Mein Pyaar
Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai
Ah.. :D. I just love this song <3
The true meaning of living is not being rich or powerful but is about how much you love yourself and others, and about satisfaction that comes from good deeds instead of greed that comes out of money.
And in the end, what I want most is to live my live to the fullest and do the best I can for myself and for others, and be self-satisfied.

CAS Plan

Proposed Activities Components (C/A/S) Duration with start date and end date (mm/dd/yy) Learning Outcomes
Learning and developing skills in vocals in AS Creativity 08/01/15 to 02/07/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaborativel

Learning Javascript on codecademy Creativity 01/01/16 to 02/10/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Gyming Activity 09/03/15 to 12/01/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Fund raising through a food stall Activity / Service 10/01/15 to 11/13/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Kabaddi Tournament Project Activity / Service 08/04/16 to 09/15/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Plantation Activity / Service 07/04/16 (For 4 hours) LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Participating in Monologue competition Creativity 08/01/16 to 08/05/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Acting in teacher’s day film Creativity / Activity 09/01/16 to 09/05/16 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Teaching grade 5 Creativity / Activity 09/04/15 to 09/05/15 LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthLO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively,

Teaching grade 5

On the teacher’s day of 2015, I realized that teaching is not an easy job. I came to this realization while teaching a class of grade 5 to celebrate teacher’s day. My friend Kripa Patel and I had to teach that class for 2 hours. This activity was extremely challenging and also a great learning experience.

The most challenging part of this activity was getting the grade 5 kids to maintain the decorum in the class. The students were not listening to us and were just creating a chaos. Some students were running here and there, some were talking with their friends and others were busy playing games and watching videos on their Chromebooks. In the end to stop all this chaos we had to shout on some of the children to get them to listen to us.

Another challenge that we faced during the activity was not being able to stick to our plan that we had created before we went to teach the class. We had planned to show them a video, however, due to technical difficulties we were not able to do so. Hence, we had to immediately prepare a new course of action, which was to divide the students into two groups and have them debating on multiple activities. This way we were able to not waste their or our time.

Through this activity I realized that I still need to work on my leadership skills and I also learned the importance of contingency planning. With better leadership skills I would have been able to better handle the class and the students and with a proper contingency planning I might have been able to make the learning experience for the students more smooth.

I was really glad that I did this activity with my friend because I do not think I would have alone been able to get the students to listen to me. This activity made me realize how working collaboratively adds more skills to the group and also how problems become so much more easier to solve when they are shared with others.img_5343-1024x683

Personal Profile

screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-4-24-11-pmHi my name is Muskaan Agarwal and I am 17 years old. I was born and brought up in Surat and have been studying in Fountainhead school from 6 years.

My interests and talents include dancing which I have been doing since like birth, playing basketball and football but basically sports in general, cooking, and many other fun activities. I have taken part in several basketball competitions and have been learning dance formally for more than 10 years now yet I am encouraged to learn more. Apart from all this I also love taking part in adventure activities which is the reason why I have been to around four adventure camps and have done rappelling, mountain climbing, treks, river rafting, zip line, bridge slithering and many such activities.

If we talk about my personality, my friends say I am very bold and fun loving. I am an extrovert however I do not like public speaking and am shy sometimes. I am also straightforward but still know where to draw a line. I also believe that  friendship is a true blessing and everyone should embrace it to the fullest. Friends stay with you and support you in all your hardship and I believe my friends are also creditable for who I am right now.

My career plan for now is to move towards the field of management. The reason behind this is because I love leadership roles. Management lits me to perform exceptionally and give my 100%. I have organised and taken part in several events and seeing the outcome and happy faces of people have truly been a delight. I want to improve my skills, learn and experience more in this area and dream, to one day be a very successful event manager.

In the future I also want to travel to different places outside India as I haven’t had an opportunity to do so yet. I believe life is a journey with learnings and lessons and we should enjoy and seize every moment of it.

Well in the end, my takes from the past 17 years are that “learn and change for good, but don’t lose your identity” and that “you are the ruler your world, no one else”.

Plantation Drive

img_0729I have already been a part of many plantation activities before however this one was really different. Nature club was taking us to KV central school to be a part of a plantation drive which I volunteered for. I always wanted to do something for the nature because I love the nature and getting muddy has never been an issue.

This time it was monsoon and was raining heavily when we had to do the activity. No matter what condition I did not back out from the activity and with raincoats and umbrellas, I was all set to go. We were introduced to different trees and were told the reason behind planting them which was to give the birds shelter later in bad weathers. This made me feel confident and knowledgeable about the nature at least a bit.img_0731

When we started planting the trees, definitely it was harder than other plantation drives as because of the rain it was all muddy and we were even unable to walk properly. The holes were already dug for us before hand but because of the rain, they were filled with water and so we had to remove the was with the SAW and then plant the trees immediately so that the holes doesn’t fill back with water. Also the saplings were kept like really far away from the area we had to plant so we had to carry them for a long distance. For this to happen we divided yourself into random teams and worked collaboratively so one person remove the water from the hole, the order brings the tree and plants it. It was really fun however it was raining constantly throughout the time which made it really difficult and physically tiring. Accompanying me and my friends we also had another group of people who were completely strangers to us so I kinda tried to interact with them as well. After the plantation drive was over we, all of us planted about 50 trees which was really great and I felt really proud of myself that I was a part of this activity even though the weather conditions weren’t as supporting.


CAS Essay

CAS was overall a very enjoyable learning process for me. It allowed me to learn important life skills such as management and working collaboratively which would have otherwise been difficult to learn.

CAS has created a lot of memories for me throughout the course of these 18 months. The first activity that comes to my mind when I think about CAS is the monologue competition in which I participated. This activity required me to go out of my comfort zone and perform a monologue on stage in front of other students. I believe that this activity really helped me grow by decreasing my stage fright and increasing confidence.

CAS taught me a lot of things. The most significant of which is the importance of planning. It taught me how with proper planning even the most difficult and complex tasks become easy and simple. CAS also taught me how important it was to be a risk taker. Through activities such as the monologue competition I realized taking risks gives opportunity to grow.

By engaging in CAS activities, a lot of times I was required to try new things which made me explore my potential and skills. It helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses. I realized that with a decent amount of practise I am able to perform well on stage and that I am am able to work collaboratively. I even came across some of my weaknesses such as not being punctual and not managing time properly.

Although CAS was extremely fun, I did faced a few challenges while completing it. The most difficult task was taking time out for activities. With all the internal assessments and extended essay I sometimes faced difficulty in allocating the required time for my CAS activities. The most difficult learning outcome for me to achieve was LO6 – “Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance”. The main reason for this might be because I preferred engaging in activities which relate to local issues rather than global issues.

Even though I am done with CAS, I would still definitely keep doing CAS activities. I would try to apply my learnings from the CAS component to all further activities in which I would engage in.

The time I spent time with special children

screen-shot-2016-11-23-at-1-42-49-amI have never in my life volunteered or spend time with mentally challenged kids (special kids) and this was the very first time I do

so. I volunteered to spend time with special kids in Shree Nandan school and help them learn/ play with them. Initially I had no clue how I am going to go about this activity and how I am going to converse with the children in the school as I did not have any experience.

In the starting the kid wasn’t really able to converse with me as she spoke gujarati and I wasn’t really fluent with the language however I tried and did my level best to speak and converse with her and no matter how crooked I spoke she understood, which really made me feel appreciative. 


I was able to identify what difficulties she faced when the special child was learning about different animals and shapes as she knew what the names of the animals were but was not able to put the correct shape into the the board cut according to the shape. After some time she was really bored therefore we went to the area where all the children were about to play musical chairs. It was really satisfying to see these kids enjoy and play happily which even made me happy.

Definitely this activity made me knowledge about special kids and what kinds of difficulties they faced. It was something out of my comfort zone which is the reason why I was uncertain of attending the activity at first however now someday I might volunteer for a similar activity.



CAS Essay

CAS to me was one of my favourite things in the IB because it helped me do something other than academics. Where we had to study all the time, CAS was a recreational activity that helped me get my mind of the pressure and struggle.

When I think of CAS, the first activity that comes to my mind is the farewell that I organised for my seniors which was my CAS project. I will never forget that experience because that was the first ever event I organised being the head and I enjoyed and learned a lot. The event required a lot of creativity and I am really proud of myself because of putting up that event successfully as my seniors did appreciate me for my efforts.


CAS has taught me a lot of things making me lot more knowledgeable especially me because I pursue to become an event manager in the future and CAS gave me an opportunity to organise and be a part of many events. It was just like becoming an event manager in the age of 17 and definitely I came to know that I am capable of being one. I have learned new skills throughout the process, from developing my personality to learning new skills in the areas I already have experience, CAS has taught me how to be a learner. With that I have also learned the importance of communication skills and definitely I feel I am a better communicator now. Almost all the projects I was a part of was collaborative work with my friends and sometimes even strangers which has challange me from with and taught me how to be patient and cooperative and also how to be caring towards your colleagues.

To be honest, I have rarely been a part of any service related activity in the past and personally I wasn’t even interested. But I had to go and experience those kind of activities because of CAS and still date now I have been a part many plantation activities, serving people with water at marathons, helping special children and in many have taken part in many more activities that I haven’t even included in my CAS report. Now I enjoy going to such events and this particular experience has taught me how to be open minded and always be a risk taker and step out of your comfort zone an now I know that yes life begins at the end of your comfort zone. However the most difficult outcome to achieve was LO 6 which is demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. Mainly because not often did people propose activities that fulfilled this learning outcome and other than doing something for the environment, it was difficult to do something on a small scale yet fulfil this learning outcome.

The most important thing that I am taking away from CAS is that it has now given me a start, I am going to continue to organise and be a part of events because first of all I know and have experience and second of all I enjoy being a part of different projects from within now. For sure I am not going to stop just because CAS is over.

All in all, I really enjoyed the whole process of CAS. I feel it is a really good opportunity for oneself to learn new things and grow as a person and not only IB schools but even other schools should be a part of this. 

Subroto States – Third time state champions maybe?

Place: Mahisagar, Gujarat

Date: 7th, 8th and 9th September 2015

It was a long ride, we were expected to reach around 6 in the evening. Nobody was sure whether we would win the competition this time (as we have been winning since last 2 years and then going for Nationals) because we didn’t have all the best players of the team. We had a new goal keeper with whom we played for the first time. Also that we didn’t have any practice together as a team, so we lacked coordination. On the way, I saw these beautiful meadows covered in waste. Plastic, old clothes, rotten food and other junk. Then we decided that any waste that we have, we’ll throw it in the dustbin only. Our country, our responsibility. These small actions have at least a minor global impact. We reached and we all were horror-struck. The ground was small and in the middle of the it was a cricket pitch (of concrete), so if we fell we would be severely injured. The accommodations that they provided for the teams to stay were terrible. One room, 2 fans, 18 girls, 2 coaches, dirty floor, dirty mattresses. How can one live in that? We went looking for a decent hotel to spend the night.

Next morning, we reached the field, applied loads of sunscreen. As I am a regular football player and attend many state level competition, I have made many friends from across India, especially in Gujarat form all cities. When I met them there, I got more nervous, they knew me and so the pressure to perform good was heavy. Their team coaches also knew me and wished us luck. I was scared about my performance, we hadn’t practiced as a team, more specifically I wanted my game to be great.

First match against Anand, fromt the first minute we got to know that we were stronger than them, so we decided to develop coordination between our team members. After scoring 2 goals, our main aim was to pass accurately and make attempts to score. Anwer sir was kinda satisfied because he thought that it was good to get a easy team to start with so that we all could play more easily with each other. After we won the first match, we were a bit more confident. We won the second match against Kutch. Coach was happy with my game, I played the position of a midfielder and did my job perfectly well. I was satisfied with my performance and extremely tired too.We were all ready for the third match and got the news that the home team hadn’t shown up. We were all pretty confident on winning. Few were also overconfident because we had won this tournament last year, and this time we were already in semi-finals.

Next day, there were blisters on my foot. Everybody was excited yet scared. Few people had started making plans about how much fun they are going to have at nationals. I didn’t play good in this match according to my coach, he constantly kept shouting from outside the field about me making mistakes. I am the main player of the team, the heart of the team – as our coach put it. I take all the kicks and all the throws which made me use all my energy so I was immensely tired. I still tried my best, and after we won and were sitting together where sir admitted that I played tough, which was good to hear after a tiring match.

For the finals I was having a hard time to even keep my eyes open while playing, because I just wanted to sleep. Blisters throbbed and I could pass the ball but not kick it with power. Sir was disappointed with me and that was evident because he constantly kept shouting my name and instructed me what to do. Their attacks were constant and we had started to play a defensive game. Till half-time we had held them back and the score was nil-nil. As the 2nd half began, I couldn’t defend very well so I was sent to strike and a player from the strike was sent for defence. They scored easy goals. Our coordination was less and mistakes were more.

The one thing that we all were very satisfied was the cleanliness that we maintained everywhere we went. We realised that the every action and choice we make has an impact, and it unethical to dirty someone’s home place. It is against our morals.

Overall, it was a great experience. I realised I need to increase my stamina to a great extent because I got tired in the second match itself. The most important thing that I learned was accepting failure. We always win, there is not a single match that I remember that we lost – so losing this was altogether a new experience. It was disappointing and sad, but it was necessary for us to face failure in life and be able to live with that. There is so much a sport can teach you about life.


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