Just Dance


Dancing has become a part of my life and I have always been passionate about this activity as it helps me to relax and I express myself while doing it. I always wanted to learn dance from professional and learn different forms of dances. However hip-hop is what passionate me. To fulfill my wish our school offered dance classes from professional where we had to attened dance session for twice a week for 3 whole months, where we will learn two forms of dance contemporary and hip-hop.

These dance classes have helped me improve and polish my dancing skills, by making my movements more clear and precise. It has also improved my body posture, increased my body control while dancing and made me more flexible. These dance routines have helped me develop a keen interest to consider this art as a profession or as a part time job in future, as I feel enthusiastic. Along with the other advantages, dance has made me physically more fit, by increasing my stamina, as dancing requires a lot of endurance, especially forms like hip-hop. On the other hand, contemporary helped me maintain my mental strength, as it requires patience and determination. I didn’t like Contemporary because I thought it was a very tedious form. However after practising for hours, I kind of started feeling the dance form and started taking it positively. As I was learning this form for the first time, it  proved to be a very big challenge, because this dance form is quite hard.

“Kalakriti” was an amazing art event organized by our school. This is when we show our practise, hours of hard work, commitment and amount of passion towards dance to our parents. We have to show it all, the efforts we applied like to come school early, skipping meals, etc. To perform the the best as we could we needed synchronization and for that we had to communicate with each other. This is when our communication skills worked alot as i needed to coordinate my steps with other 14 members of the crew. This when my skill paid off and also got better from it’s experience.

Dance has always been a part of my life and this class helped me to make form of presentation more precise.


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