A day spent with Special children
I believe that the day that I spent with the special children was a life changing experience. I learned so much about strength, gratitude, and courage. I tried to delve into conversations with the children and what really inspired me about them was the passion that they displayed to learn and the affection that they showcased towards the volunteers and each other. This was not something that I would have usually chosen to do, but I am so thankful that I was given this opportunity because through those I learned to appreciate even the smallest things in life and face challenges with strength.
The learning outcomes that I achieved through this activity are:
LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills: I did this primarily through trying to effectively communicate with the children. While helping the children learn I had to get them to pay attention and not get easily distracted by the surroundings, for this I had to think of new ways to which they would pay attention to what I was saying.
LO 4 Worked collaboratively with others: The group of volunteers for this activity was huge because of which during the distribution of the responsibilities and other discussions we all had to display cooperation and eventual appreciation for each other.
LO 6 Engage with issues of global significance: Through this activity, I learned to display compassion, empathy, and care towards this special community of people because of which I will become a better global citizen.
LO 7 Consider the ethical implication of the activity: During the activity, I had to be very careful out my actions and the language that I used to make sure that I did not go against ethics and did not offend the children in any way.