CAS essay

When I think about CAS, the first that hits my mind is leaning camps. Which was my CAS project. I never thought that I will initiate something like this and I did not planed also. The project idea just came to me as a dream. I was literally struggling for my project work and I don’t know how but I came across to this project. It was impressive to me because in every service component was being directed or being told what to do but in this activity I had to plan my self the whole activity and I did. I never had a leadership quality but in this activity I developed my leadership skills.

From CAS I have learned that you should come out of your comfort zone and try something new. I never liked arts but for the first time I tried it because of CAS and I just enjoyed it. Being open minded, balance and inquirer will help you explore new things.

What I have learned about me is that I have a good communication skill but I will have to enhance it. While working with others thought this all CAS activities. I have learned about them is that to work with any person you have to be caring, communicator and principled to be compatible and have a good work efficiency. Throughout this CAS activity i became more fit, my behavior was more caring and I became more practical in my life.

Different activities made me balanced person and to others, they were being more open minded and were ready to take any challenge. I was seeing a change in people like they were more cooperative and more talkative. They were becoming more knowledgeable about other different things(out of curriculum). In Bal mela school staff helped me and my friend to manage childerderns, which were coming for the activity(tough of war). There were too many children coming at once for the activity and we were not able to handle, so the staff members of schools helped us.

That most hard learning outcome for me was to plan and initiate an activity and the struggling part was when we had to convince the parents to send their children for learning camps for over learning camps to start but finally parents were convinced and because of them our learning camp was successful.     


I would like carry on this learning camps and help other children to acquire more knowledge. To still make this CAS project going on we have already assigned new members, so that the project keeps on going on.

I think from now on I will keep on helping others also after completing my CAS and  making a better place.  It gives me self-satisfaction. I would also like to share my CAS experiences with others and suggest them to start doing service, activity  and creativity.

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