Surat Student Parliament

The Surat student parliament was an initiative taken by a group of college students from Ahmedabad. This was a simulation of how the  Indian parliament works to give a student an opportunity to understand its functions and importance. I was a part of the media managers and my responsibility was to cover the happenings of the event.The learning outcomes that I achieved are:

L1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth: I found out that noting down the information as to what was happening during the event was my strong suite, however, I realized that I could improve my writing skills to clearly express what I learned.

L4-commitment to and perseverance: I sat through all the committee sessions, listening to them carefully and making sure to add every important detail of the occurrences.

L5-. Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively: I worked with all the other media managers to identify a story and effectively present it.

L6-engagement with issues of global significance: We wrote about current issues going around the country.



Monologue Competition

This was an inter-house monologue competition that our school organized. I participated in the competition and played the character of “Jordan Belfort”. For this monologue, I won first place. I gained a lot of self-confidence through this experience and enhanced my acting and performing skills. The learning outcomes that I achieved are:

L1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. I did this by practicing in the mirror multiple times to identify my drawback and tried to improve them.

L2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills. I understood that taking a script from a movie may not be as effective as other pieces but I took up the challenge because I really thought that I could portray the character efficiently

L4: Commitment to and perseverance. I took the initiative to find my own script, edit it according to the rules of the competition, learn it effectively and practice it until the day of the competition.


Screenshot (11).



cas plan

creativity /activity/service start date end date learning outcome
Tree plantation service 7/19/2015 7/19/2015 1/2/5/6/7
Champak workshop creativity /activity 8/8/2015 8/8/2015 1/2
athlectc tournament creativity /activity/service 8/12/2015 8/12/2015 1/2/4.
NDTV workshop creative 8/13/2015 8/15/2015 1/2/4/7
BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT (project work) creative 8/15/2015 8/15/2015 1/2/3/4/5/7
adding up on cretivty 7/20/2015 9/25/2015 1/2/4/5/7
Bal mela creativity /service 8/24/2015 8/24/2015 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
hindi divas creativity /activity/service 9/23/2015 9/23/2015 1/2/3/5/7
FSMUN creativity /activity/service 8/20/2015 11/29/2015 1/2/4/5/7

CAS profile

Hello! I am Ronak Makwana, and I am 17 years old. I was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra and brought up in Surat, Gujarat. I am really passionate for Football, and I am very good at football too.

I have been playing football from grade 4. My elder brother and sister were both great at football. I remember my sister was also a national level player. Football was not valued much in India back then. Then I started playing football at my home, school and probably everywhere. Watching professionals play and learning from them was always fun. There was a time when I was the only one watching football and knowing some of the football players except Ronaldo and Messi. Then slowly and gradually people were slowly taking interest in football. I went for so many football tournaments, I have played in state level and national level too. We had the best team in Gujarat.

Then to pursue IBDP, I came to Fountainhead school. Still I am interested in football, but there is another sport added to favourites sports too and that was kickboxing, when I joined this school, it had been a year since I joined kickboxing classes. After the first month of school, I got an amazing opportunity to go for Kickboxing at national level. The competition was in Pune, and with my efforts, I won a gold medal.

After joining Fountainhead, my life has changed, really. Academically it has gone worse, but enjoying life has become way better than best. I joined fountainhead last year, but there is so much that I have learnt in this school, this school has given me one of the most awesome moments in my entire life.

I am 17 years old and I still think, according to the things I do at this age I am still 10 years old. LOLwp_20150822_21_12_49_pro

CAS Essay

These two years of diploma were amazing, with a lot of CAS activities, including physical activities and others. I have done a lot CAS activities this as well as last year, but the best activity that I have ever done is football, I have been passionate for football since I was 8 years old. Also, I have learnt a lot of things this academic year, especially football. Football was the sport that i chose as my physical sport.

I have learnt a lot from CAS, as it is the only thing, where we don’t have to study and its more physical, or where we don’t have so much stress. We have a lot of requirements for CAS, that’s what makes us do a lot of work for CAS and learn a lot of things from it. We have seven learning outcomes in CAS, and that is how we learn things. CAS teaches us to take risks, because when we organize an event, there is no guarantee of it being successful, and sometimes we have to risk money as well. We have CAS reflections, where we reflect about our CAS activity experience, it contains evaluating their skills and identifying their strengths and weaknesses. It makes us good communicators as well, because we need to communicate to people, if we want our CAS project to be popular. Basically IB learner profile links to the learning objectives, CAS and CAS reflections.

I have identified a lot of strengths and weaknesses in a lot of fields. CAS helps us to explore all the aspects of different activities, except studies, but other fields as well. I also came to know how others deal with their problems, and others’ weaknesses and strengths as well, because they had CAS too. I had never organised an event or anything else, so that was a really big challenge for me. I was very shy and was not good at communicating with people.

Different activities helped us to explore different aspects of CAS, and we explored our abilities through it, one my classmate had never organized anything, she organised an event and identified her strength and now that is her future career. I have had a lot of difficulties during CAS. First of all, in the beginning i didn’t know the types of activities I am supposed to do. We were asked to list down all the activities that we could do, I didn’t write any, so it was difficult to think about new activities. Then I had difficulties in writing all the CAS reflections as well, they need a lot of evidences and a very nice presentation of your experience of the CAS activity. We have CAS advisors, who helped me and my fellow classmates, they were the ones who were supposed to check our CAS reflections and look after all the activities done by the student. Also, they would help us with project work, by giving suggestions and supervising the project.

Learning outcome 6 was the most difficult learning outcome to achieve for me. This learning outcome says that “Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance”. Not all activities have global significance and most of the activities are related to my country. It was really hard to find an evidence and explain it for learning outcome 6, but then i started thinking about the most common things I do, like playing football and wrote about the global significance, which was correct.

My CAS experience has been really great and I would like to continue this kinds of activities, which could help others. CAS really helps us to think beyond studies and makes all of us helpful to each other, which will continue and make world a better place. CAS experience has been great this year, and I will miss all the fun I had during these activities.

CAS Plan

Proposed Activities Components (C/A/S) Duration with start date and end date Learning Outcomes
U-17 Subroto cup Activity 15 July 2015 to 15 July 2015 LO1,LO2,LO5,LO7
Kick Boxing Tournament Activity,Creativity 19 June 2015 to 21 June 2015 LO1,LO2,LO7
Teaching Chemistry Activity,Service,Creativity 17 September LO1,LO2,LO5,LO7
Naggar Trip Activity,Creativity 21 December 2015 to 3 January 2016 LO1,LO2,LO3,LO5,LO7
Football Activity,Creativity 2015-16 LO1,LO2,LO4,LO5,LO6,LO7
Mahakumbh Activity,Creativity 3 March 2016 LO1,LO2,LO4,LO5,LO7
Tree Plantation KV central school Activity,Service 3 July 2016 LO2,LO4,LO5
Organ Donation Street Play Activity, Creativity,Service 17 July 2016 to 30 July 2016 LO1,LO4,LO5,LO6
French Assembly Activity, Creativity 18 February 2016 LO1,LO2,LO4,LO5
Leg Tennis Tournament Activity, Creativity 17 November to 20 December LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

CAS Project: Leg Tennis Tournament

Proposal: During the playtime slots, our grade plays various games, Leg-Tennis is one of them. After witnessing the growing interest and the increase in the bond between the classmates due of this game, my friend and I using our creativity and collaboration, came with the idea of organizing a Leg Tennis tournament. It is a unique game and is something which has never been played in the FS. After discussing the idea with the authority the idea was finalized, which referred to the two strands creativity and action.

Planning stage: The planning started with taking a poll of the people who would like to participate and a lot of people showed interest. Later on, we prepared a google form and recorded the responses of the participants. Using the word of mouth technique we had spread the news of the tournament across the school.


and the responses were good which can be seen below.screen-shot-2017-01-02-at-11-53-17-am

As seen in the above images, majority of people wanted to participate in the event. After getting responses we decided to make the arrangements of the tournament. For example, deciding the rules for the game (as it was our creation), we needed a huge place as lot of people wanted to participate, etc. Deciding on a place was proving to be trouble for us. We needed a wide space, which was not available in school, and doing it outside school was expensive, hence that was not a feasible option (as we didn’t have enough funds). To overcome this limitation, we decided to put a restriction, that only our grade students can participate, as this game was something that illustrated our bond and coordination amongst us. We all used to play Leg Tennis together and we had to be fair to them. We had to also decide on the dates of the tournament. Prioritizing the work is important, as habit four suggests ‘put first things first’, both of us had our submissions and deadlines coming up.  We were facing a clash of the dates, but we had to find a ‘win-win’ solution, therefore, we finalized dates that were between the days of our submissions.


After taking a call on everything and doing the planning, we made a poster to finally make an official announcement of the tournament. I was a proud moment for us. The poster were stuck on various public gathering places in our school, like the dining area, library, etc. screen-shot-2017-01-02-at-11-51-46-am

Execution: The D-day was here. We were very nervous, yet seeing the enthusiasm in participants made me feel excited. Now one of the most important thing was to collect players in a very short period of time. However, with our collaboration and commitment we were able to overcome this problem by requesting a Grade 12 students to participate in the tournament, changing the teams and deciding a suitable location for the tournament. We were not able to get any official referee for this game, because Zoheb and I were the only ones who knew this game well, which is why we took this initiative to be referees too. We decided that no one will be biased. Maintaining the decorum during the event and being calm under these situation was necessary for me, being a leader and a manager. My take from this event was to arrange everything properly, we did not share proper forms and did not take interviews and there was lack of planning for the location and participants. So more planning will surely help any event to be more successful.

Overall, it was a fun experience, that helped me grow as a person, and improve my leadership skill. During the tournament I made some experiences that will stay with me for a long time.

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CAS Essay

In the hectic life of an IBDP student, CAS is what gives us time for doing what we actually enjoy doing. It is like a stress buster. When I look back at my journey, the activity that comes to my mind is my project work FS3/3. This is the highlight of my CAS experience mainly because it was something that I took the initiative to do and also because I could successfully manage such a huge event. Another activity that comes to mind is learning the guitar because it exposed me to a lot of new genres of music and taught me to appreciate different kind of music.

CAS has helped me to be balanced and open-minded. It has taught me that not all knowledge comes from books, but also from the least expected sources such as a plantation activity. It has helped me find balance between my academics and my extracurricular activities. Other than that CAS has also helped me inculcate qualities like compassion and sensitivity towards global issues by working for a cause bigger than myself by indulging in service activities. While fulfilling my CAS requirements, I realised that one of the qualities that I had developed was being patient for results.

Though CAS was a fun experience, it did have a lot of challenges to offer. One of the biggest difficulties that I faced, was finding the balance between extracurricular activities and being persistent. So it taught me how to use my time effectively and find that motivation. The learning outcome that was the hardest to achieve was LO6, because it hard to put local events or activities into a global context. So I learned to consider the implications of my actions on a global level.

One of the most important things CAS has taught me was that service doesn’t necessarily mean feeding the poor. It could vary from passing on your existing knowledge to other or less fortunate or even just offer to help in an activity of global significance. To sum it up, CAS has been one of the most enriching experiences that I have had, and I would like to implement what I have learnt even in later parts of life


CAS profile

My name is Shaurya Mashruwala and a student of grade 12 at Fountainhead school, Surat. I am 17 years old. I am fond of listening to music and learning to play my favourite tracks on guitar, but am not very fond of performing in front of audiences. I think that my strength lies in sketching, drawing and all kinds of arts, but what stands out, out of all is my interest in sculpting, as I love to play with form and explore new materials. What I really like to do with my free time is spend time with close friends or spending time alone. One of my other hobby is playing and watching basketball as it helps me to be physically fit and keeps me active.

What I truly believe in is perceiving everything in life with an open mind. This is an important skill to learn enable people to indulge an explore things that they would not otherwise. It expands one’s arsenal with more and more experiences to deal with anything situation that life would present. Having an open mind also makes one tolerant and accepting of things that are different from personal beliefs. This important and aid personal growth.

I strongly believe in is that one should never measure success with money. I feel that people who are deluded with the concept of ‘money=success’, divert from their true self at some point in life. My goal in life is not to be rich but be happy. One of my long term dreams is having an isolated house somewhere in the mountains, surrounded with nature where I can truly be myself.


CAS Essay

In the hectic life of an IBDP student, CAS is what gives us time for doing what we actually enjoy doing. It is like a stress buster. When I look back at my journey, the activity that comes to my mind is my project work FS3/3. This is the highlight of my CAS experience mainly because it was something that I took the initiative to do and also because I could successfully manage such a huge event. Another activity that comes to mind is learning the guitar because it exposed me to a lot of new genres of music and taught me to appreciate different kind of music.

CAS has helped me to be balanced and open-minded. It has taught me that not all knowledge comes from books, but also from the least expected sources such as a plantation activity. It has helped me find balance between my academics and my extracurricular activities. Other than that CAS has also helped me inculcate qualities like compassion and sensitivity towards global issues by working for a cause bigger than myself by indulging in service activities. While fulfilling my CAS requirements, I realised that one of the qualities that I had developed was being patient for results.

Though CAS was a fun experience, it did have a lot of challenges to offer. One of the biggest difficulties that I faced, was finding the balance between extracurricular activities and being persistent. So it taught me how to use my time effectively and find that motivation. The learning outcome that was the hardest to achieve was LO6, because it hard to put local events or activities into a global context. So I learned to consider the implications of my actions on a global level.

One of the most important things CAS has taught me was that service doesn’t necessarily mean feeding the poor. It could vary from passing on your existing knowledge to other or less fortunate or even just offer to help in an activity of global significance. To sum it up, CAS has been one of the most enriching experiences that I have had, and I would like to implement what I have learnt even in later parts of life


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